Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
Review By LoC
Alright, so I had been meaning to write this review for a number of days now. Star Wars: The Force Unleashed was a novel that I had bought on Tuesday morning and had finished reading by Wednesday night. Should any of you care, I bought the hard-cover edition, and had a pretty sizable 40% discount off the purchase price! So anyway, The Force Unleashed is a book based on the game of the same name. Despite this, I actually think the book came out a month before the game! The book tells the story of Darth Vader's secret apprentice known as Starkiller whom even the Emperor himself does not know about. Being raised by Vader since a small child, he has spent most of his life embracing the darkside and Vader's teachings. As the book begins, Darth Vader sends Starkiller out on his first real challenge of defeating a Jedi. Eventually however a major event occurs which changes Starkiller's life forever. The book is very well written, although it almost feels too brief in a way. As far as I know, most of the details in this book also happen in the game, but I have yet to play the game myself to verify it. This book is simply a must for any Star Wars fan, even those whom have already played the game. Many events are elaborated on, which were only briefly touched in the game. The force has indeed been unleashed, and this book(and game) will change the way we look at Star Wars and what we thought we knew forever.
(to be edited and revised)
- LoC
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