It seems like it was ages ago when Castle Crashers was
supposed to see the light of day. I remember how excited
I was, yet somewhat hesitant to play this new game from
Dan Paladin, the creator of Alien Hominid. Every time it
was shown at a press event, it was met with critical acclaim
but for some reason, it always got delayed and pushed
further and further away. Well, with the game now
available on XBLA, I can comfortably say that the wait
was totally worth it.
Castle Crashers is one of those games that, on paper,
sounds extremely cliched and somewhat boring, but its
execution is unparalled by any other titles that have been
released. At it's heart, all the game really is is a a simple
beat-em-up, in the vein of Streets of Rage, Final Fight,
or Double Dragon, but what it does is what makes it stand
out. The gameplay feels extremely solid, allowing the player
to actually improve in gameplay to the point where they
can make it through entire levels without taking any
damage, something that can't be said for many other games
in the same genre. The graphics are done in that same
style as Alien Hominid, his previous gaming endeavor. Just
like the game preceding it, it's easy to fall in love with the
adorable, if vicious characters and enemies you encounter.
Just like any good sidescrolling game like this, there are three
main buttons you focus on. Hit. Hit harder. Jump away. Is there
anything else you need? Why, in fact...THERE IS! Instead
of ending there with just the basics, the game has a blocking
mechanic, an inventory that you can go through on the fly by
tapping the bumpers, and even a magic system. Another
unique take on the genre is that instead of just going through
the levels in a linear fashion, you are able to increase your characters
stats as you level up from fighting enemies. Another bonus is that
instead of just stopping at two players, the game is four players,
with four characters availible from the start and many more are
unlockable as you progress through the story. Just in case you
feel lonely, you are also able to find different pets, each with their own
unique abilities. Some assist you by helping you find items, others
boost stats, others even help you fight, even though they aren't the
most damaging things.
The environments are extremely varied, and it's cute to see that
they implemented some of gamings cliches and embrace them
instead of trying to cleverly hide them. Boss fights? Check.
Ice world and Lava world? Check. Fighting teammates to the
death for the love a woman? Check. It's all here, folks, and it's
all done flawlessly. The fact that the game was rendered with
HD in mind really does help the characters stand out, looking
incredibly vivid and it also breathes life into the environment.
Castle Crashers offers a few additional features that help
ensure that you get the most out of your money. One
of the things that's incredibly important for a title like this is
yes, it does have online multiplayer. Fully fleshed out at that.
You are able to go through the entire single player game with
friends or strangers, bringing your own character into the fray,
and the best part of all is that any money, items, pets, or experience
gained online is kept and allowed to be used offline as well, so
you don't have to worry about making separate characters. There's
also the offline four player, which is a feature many games are lacking
In short, the game is long enough to keep you engaged, has
enough depth to keep you coming back for more, and
is simple enough that you could play it with your family.
The humor will have you smiling throughout, and the imaginitive
environments will keep you coming back for more. All in all, I'd give
this game a solid 9/10. Once the few online issues there are are
hammered out, there is absolutely no reason why you shouldn't have
this in your collection.

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