Thursday, October 2, 2008

Arkas Interview, by The Liztress

It's time for another Liztress interview! This month's subject is none other than Arkas. Like before, it's broken down and picked through of all things fluffy. And even with all things trimmed up nicely, we still have a huge interview for all to read.

General Information-
Liz: So, are you up for an interview?
Arkas: yeah
Liz: Alrighty. So, for the people out there, can you tell me your name and what you go by on FKR?
Arkas: no. I'll never reveal my sekrets
Arkas: ....anyways....
Liz: Fine, what do you like people to call you?
Arkas: my standard (online and off, actually) name is AK
Arkas: like, srsly, A.K.
Arkas: like the assault rifle used by insurgents, cause it has a high rate of fire and requires almost no maintenance
Arkas: evar
Arkas: on FKR, it looks a lil like "Arkas"
Liz: Cool name. I always liked it.
Arkas: it was given to me by a friend writing a novel
Arkas: that..
Arkas: I really doubt will ever get published
Arkas: assuming he finishes it
Arkas: bastard
Liz: Sounds like Grave?
Arkas: he's about as lazy as Grave
Arkas: but not Grave
Arkas: Grave has no artistic ability

Liz: What kind of music, games, and movies do you like?
Arkas: muzak:
Arkas: some classic rock (a lil bit), hard rock, and most types of metal
Arkas: you want specific band names?
Liz: You can list a couple if you want
Arkas: (no particular order)
Arkas: DethKlok (winnars), Disturbed, Cradle of Filth, Shinedown, Iron Maiden, Metallica, Black Sabbath
Liz: Ok, how about games?
Arkas: RPGs (MMO and otherwise), action/stealth, some platforming, and the occasional FPS
Arkas: shooters not in first person tend to rank higher w/ me because I find almost all FPS to play nearly exactly the same
Liz: What's the game you're currently playing?
Arkas: on GC, when I actually turn it on:
Arkas: Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem
Arkas: horror
Arkas: PC:
Arkas: Battle for Wesnoth, or Combat Arms if someone wants to shoot me
Arkas: 360 (which I don't own):
Arkas: Rock Band 2; Star Wars: The Force Unleashed

The Banhammer-
Liz: Cool. So, could you tell everyone about banhammers and your love for them?
Arkas: well, the Banhammar
Arkas: it's, in essence, THE most powerful weapon available on the interwebz
Arkas: as much as I hate to admit it, you can technically beat someone using a lightsaber w/ it
Arkas: you have to get the first strike in, mind you
Arkas: but it will, in no uncertain terms, completely eliminate the opposition
Arkas: you don't really understand how powerful it is until you swing that bitch and kill someone w/ it
Liz: Have you ever used it?
Arkas: ...that's a bad question
Arkas: absolutely
Arkas: but you know me better than that
Liz: Ok.
Arkas: spambots don't stand a chance
Arkas: the only reason WF has problems is because the owner has me on a leash
Liz: Is it a short leash?
Arkas:'s a very tight one
Arkas: fucking huge battery on it too
Liz: O.o Battery? Just what does this leash do?
Arkas: think about it
Arkas: batteries store electricity
Arkas: and
Arkas: the voltage being what it is
Liz: Oh
Liz: Ok
Arkas: put 2 and 2 together
Liz: Sounds painful
Arkas: if you get somewhere between 3.95 and 4.05, you're in the ballpark

Fallen Knights Refuge and the Fanzine-
Liz: Do you think he, and the rest of the staff, are doing a good job on FKR?
Arkas: well, yeah
Arkas: douchebags (outside of Grave, myself, Pansy, and Seraph) don't post there
Arkas: they're not allowed, last I heard
Liz: What is your thought about the FK Fanzine?
Arkas: ...I should probably do something useful for it
Arkas: considering I was added to put up content at some point to it
Liz: Yeah, you were.
Arkas: aside from personal opinion
Arkas: (which, BTW, if we ignored, would negate this whole discussion)
Arkas: I think it's a great idea
Arkas: anyone who does find it will eventually be intrigued enough to at least look @ the boards
Liz: Any advice you have for it or the forum?
Arkas: I don't get paid to advise anything
Arkas: you assume the advice I don't have is worth something
Arkas: that in itself is funny
Liz: Fine fine.
Liz: How did you find FKR?
Arkas: Grave
Arkas: bastard was all "bitch, register nao!!!"
Arkas: so I'm all "no u"
Arkas: was at that point I realized he had to in order to create the place
Arkas: we settled the dispute w/ a Force Choke match
Arkas: I won
Liz: And how did that match go down?
Arkas: ...I won
Arkas: I, literally, choked a bitch
Liz: I mean, was it an intense fight?
Arkas: it would have been
Liz: Or did he not struggle?
Arkas: but he was too busy laughing at the concept to offer much resistance
Arkas: I'd still have kicked his ass
Liz: I believe that.
Arkas: as resident Sith Lord, it's not really an even match
Liz: Ok, who do you think is the best poster on FKR?
Arkas: ...caught me off guard
Arkas: I'm not really sure
Arkas: Kiwi is funny
Arkas: your posts make sense
Arkas: Seraph, like me, doesn't post THAT much
Arkas: Grave can't win because he runs the place
Arkas: I sit around and scream at ppl
Liz: Do you poke them with a cane as well?
Arkas: Wiki's not allowed to win any awards
Arkas: ...poke?
Arkas: w/ a cane?
Arkas: christ, woman!!!
Arkas: who do you think I am?
Arkas: Yoda?
Arkas: plz
Arkas: I don't train younglings
Arkas: I pwn n00bs
Arkas: srsly
Liz: But canes make good weapons at times
Arkas: I don't do wizardry
Arkas: I smash
Arkas: or slice in half
Arkas: now, poke w/ a lightsaber, yes, I'll do that
Liz: Ok, what's the worst thing about FKR?
Arkas: it feels like an unbastardized WF
Liz: What do you say that?
Arkas: no fucktards here to piss me off every 2.3 minutes
Arkas: but I know many of the members
Liz: So you want someone to piss you off?
Arkas: no
Arkas: I don't
Liz: Is there anyone you wish was on FKR that isn't?
Arkas: Kat, probably
Arkas: other than that
Arkas: not really
Arkas: Lithium would be nice too
Arkas: I know her IRL
Liz: I agree
Arkas: but she doesn't hardly even get on MSN much
Liz: I wish she would post on FKR
Arkas: stuck doing other stuff
Arkas: LOTR Online
Arkas: Rock Band 2
Arkas: the Happy Tree Friends game, DLable off Xbox Live
Arkas: maybe some other things
Arkas: dunno

The FKR Game Story-
Liz: So, do you enjoy reading the FKR Game story?
Arkas: yes
Liz: Favorite part so far?
Arkas: it typically makes a bad day get much better
Arkas: 2:
Arkas: Grave killing Wiki (and the rest of his teammates)
Arkas: and Grave and Wiki fighting, drunkenly, over the barstool and shot glass
Liz: Both invovling Grave and Wiki
Arkas: well, you've got to understand that Grave fails
Arkas: to an unhealthily epic lvl
Arkas: Wiki just happened to be the victim or other drunken bastard at the time
Liz: But, what about Amber?
Liz: He must not fail too badly.
Arkas: ...excuse me while I go reread that part
Liz: Ok
Arkas: said he
Arkas: did I not read far enough?
Arkas: Wiki called Amber a chick
Arkas: *reads moar*
Liz: Yeah, she is a chick
Arkas: ...but you said "he"
Arkas: I thought there've only been 3 gay guys
Arkas: Oda Yami and the other 2 fag/pricks
Liz: There was a few
Liz: They came over while the two took me away
Arkas: that clearly thinks it's ok to reach for other mens' butts in a bar
Arkas: so 5 then
Arkas: still
Arkas: ...oh
Arkas: when you said he
Arkas: you meant Grave
Arkas: ok
Liz: Yes
Arkas: you switched ppl too quickly on me
Arkas: so, anyways
Arkas: I'm not sure what to think about Grave getting a woman
Liz: Shocked?
Liz: Happy?
Arkas: it could be a cover, but.............
Arkas: eh, I dunno
Liz: He did marry her
Arkas: Amber seems like quite the bitch
Arkas: so I mean.....
Arkas: when you think about it, that's the only type of woman I can think of that would go for Grave
Arkas: he needs someone to whip him into shape
Liz: Do you think they will last?
Arkas: or at least get him off the couch to go do yardwork
Arkas: eh, long enough
Arkas: probably 3 or so chapters
Arkas: then he'll end up drunk at a bar again, find another barstool and shotglass to take home
Liz: And repeat the process?
Arkas: she'll come and find him "making out" w/ the less than alive objects
Arkas: and Spartan kick him through the closest brick wall
Arkas: he'll be out for days
Liz: Do you think Grave really killed Wiki?
Arkas: no
Arkas: his aim isn't that good
Arkas: he has no concept of "auto targetting'
Arkas: ...besides, w/ our luck, one of the docs shoved a Phoenix Down up his nose
Liz: Yeah. Do you think the gang will make it out of the game alive? Or did Grave screw us all royally?
Arkas: him and Venom will end up stuck outside the game
Arkas: in the real world
Arkas: and have to barrel roll back in to get us out
Arkas: except that time
Arkas: we'll leave them
Arkas: and just game w/ 'em on Fridays or something
Liz: Do you think Grave knows how to do a barrel roll?
Arkas: he never bothered to learn the skill
Arkas: but, in the real world, he could go get some lessons from the original barrel roll master, Fox McCloud
Arkas: StarFox 64, gentlemenz

His Thoughts on Grave-
Liz: How did you and Grave meet?
Arkas: ...I really don't remember
Arkas: it's been a lil while
Arkas: I think he was already an admin when I came back to WF
Arkas: been too long for that shit to be important
Liz: What is your honest opinion of him?
Arkas: he's a good guy
Arkas: he really is
Arkas: he means the best most of the time

Thank Arkas for this great interview! Remember guys, if you want to be interviewed, let Grave and me know. Until next time!

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