Flight of the Conchords, who are they? Well that can be answered with a simple answer, and my answer would be "an awesome comedy duo." For those who don't know who they are, the band consists of two members. Bret McKenzie and Jemaine Clement are the driving force of FotC. Their music has been famous in New Zealand for quite some time now, and they're just bringing their stardom here. So far they have a TV show on HBO, a live album called Folk The World Tour, radio series done with BBC radio, an EP titled The Distant Future; Which I might add, won them a Grammy, and a self titled album. So far their hitting it big in America.
Anyways, that's enough about that at the moment, lets get to the show. The show is basically about these two New Zealanders who come to New York City to achieve stardom in America. This of course doesn't go their way, especially when they have a manager who can't get them a decent gig, and it doesn't help that they have one fan, who's obsessed with both of them, but more-so towards Bret. Each episode they play one of their hit songs, like Business Time, Inner City Pressure, Mutha'Uckers, Bowie, and so on. Now, I'll list off each episode with a review.
Episode 1 "Sally"
What can I say about this episode? This episode is about us meeting the band, and them finally moved to New York. Jemaine starts dating Bret's ex girlfriend after meeting her at Dave's party. This is where the very first skit appears. The song of choice, is The most Beautiful girl in the room. Anyways the laughs are great, the song is great. Near the end of the episode you'll get a whiff of their song I'm Not Crying. This song comes in, because Sally finally broke up with Jemaine. Also in this episode is The Humans are dead. I'd rate this episode a 10/10.
Episode 2 "Bret Gives up the Dream"
The band, facing problems need to do something to get cash to survive. They both go to Murray for some cash, but can't help. Instead Bret and Jemaine attempt to get a job as sign holders, Bret gets the job, but Jemaine doesn't. This of course makes Bret leave the band, because he can't go for both. As they see the future of FotC facing problems, Murray and Jemaine decide to hold auditions for the next Bret. Bret also meets his future girlfriend, Coco, who's also a sign holder, and of course loves bands. The skits in this episode are: Inner City Pressure, and Boom. My rating for this episode is a 10/10.
Episode 3 "Mugged"
Bret and Jemaine encounter two muggers and try to escape their grasp. Jemaine gets caught on a fence, while Bret runs off scared, leaving poor Jemaine to be mugged. After the whole altercation. Bret, Murray and Dave finally attempt to find Jemaine, but a few days later. They later find him in Jail. The muggers also have the same exact problem as Bret and Jemaine, since one of the muggers fled without their friend. This episode has the songs Hiphopotamus VS. The Rhymenocerous and Think About it. In the end, Bret tries to revive the friendship he once had with Jemaine, by taking back the camera phone that the muggers stole. My rating for this episode is a 9/10.
Episode 4 "Yoko"
Bret and Jemaine have a fallout with each other because of Bret's girlfriend Coco. Jemaine keeps going out on Bret and Coco's dates, and Bret doesn't think it's right. So he kicks him off the rest of the dates. Bret quits the band because Jemaine thinks Coco is trying to split up the band. Jemaine tries to get Bret back into the band, but it doesn't go so great. But he does come back. In this episode the skits that are played are Sello Tape, and If You're Into It. 10/10
Episode 5 "Sally Returns"
Jemaine runs into Sally at the Laundromat, in which she tells Jemaine to get his own place if he ever wants to hang out. Bret of course finds out that Jemaine is in love with Sally again, this in turn makes Bret fall for her again. This of course isn't great news for Coco, since the two are dating. Bret and Jemaine fight over her with home made gifts, like a glass butterfly and a paiting. Jemaine finally gets his own apartment, a closet, and decides to invite a bunch of his friends over. Bret doesn't show up, so Jemaine has a feeling that he's out at Sally's birthday party, in which Jemaine leaves his party to investigate. Once there the two find out that she's getting married to an Australian man with a lot of cash. This breaks both of their hearts. Coco breaks up with Bret and life goes on for the guys. The songs included in this episode are Business Time, and Song for Sally. I'd rate this episode a 10/10
Episode 6 "Bowie"
Bret faces body issues. Jemaine believes that Bret is a little Bulimic. Bret encounters David Bowie in his dream, Bowie decides to tell Bret to increase his image. He suggested he wear an eye patch. This didn't work as it made Bret's depth perseption all messed up. Then another night Bowie came back into his dreams, telling him to do something crazy. Anyways the guys were on the verge of getting themselves a deal for using their song in a greeting card, but since Bret decided to do something crazy, and that crazy thing being, painting his privates with lightning bolts and flasshing the guy giving the deal. Anyways, episode 6 includes the songs of Bowie, and Bret You've Got it Going on. I'd rate this episode a 10/10.
Episode 7 "Drive By"
Bret and Jemaine are in a race war with a fruit vendor. They try to explain to him that it's wrong. Dave suggests sending them to Alcatraz, but being as that is not something the guys want to do. Also Murray falls in love with the tech support lady, but is too late to express his feelings. In this episode, these skits were done; Mutha'Uckers, Albi The Racist Dragon, and Leggy Blonde. I rate this episode a 10/10.
Episode 8 "Girlfriends"
Bret gets a new girlfriend, or so he believes that's what he got. Bret is Jemaine's 'Wingman', and Murray finally gets the guys a CD deal, but it's too good to be true. Bret's new so called girlfriend tells him that she has to be shipped out to Iraq in the morning, and demands to have sex before she goes. The skits included in this episode are A Kiss is not a Contract, and Foux Du Fafa. I rate this episode a 9/10.
Episode 9 "What Goes on Tour"
Bret and Jemaine go on a small tour in preparation for a gig in Central Park. Murray uses his own money from his bank account for the tour. The guys buy leather jackets, in which Murray calls says they "Look like a bunch of cool looking idiots." Bret drops a TV out the window on accident, and Murray thinks it was Jemaine, being that he's the crazy one. The guys go to various gigs, while messing nearly breaking everything in the process. They also meet up with a water polo team who use their room number to get free room service. Murray gets angry with Bret and Jemaine after Bret accidentally gets the car in the pool forgetting to put the handbrake on. This episode contained only one song, and that was Mermaids. I rate this episode a 10/10.
Episode 10 "New Fans"
Bret and Jemaine finally get new fans. Mel thinks that all these new fans want to do is have sex with them, and Bret and Jemaine do acid and experience a nice trip, and one of the new fans wanted to have a threesome with Bret and Jemaine. The songs included in this episode are Ladies of the World, and Prince of Parties. I rate this episode a 9/10.
Episode 11 "The Actor"
The guys hire an actor to give Murray a nice rejection call, but the actor, turning things around, give the guys a record deal, or so that's what Murray believes. Bret and Jemaine make a music video for their new song Frodo. Murray then learns the truth that it was all a lie. The songs included in this episode were Frodo, and Cheer Up Murray. I rate this episode a 9/10.
Episode 12 "The Third Conchord"
In the season finale, Murray forces a new member on the guys, but they don't favor him so well. Bret splits with Jemaine and the new guy Todd to form a new band with Demetri called The Original Flight of the Conchords, while Jemaine and Todd continue on with FotC. Todd of course doesn't favor FotC so he tells Jemaine that he would like to change their name to Crazy Dogggz with 3 G's. Jemaine doesn't like the idea. Each band faces problems. Todd has long solo's and Demetri copies Brets moves.. Murray suggests they form a super group, but Demetri and Todd decide to go along and join their own band, which would become The Crazy Dogggz. FotC lose their only fan, and The Crazy Dogggz win stardom with Murray as their manager. This episode there was only one skit, and that was the song Doggy Bounce. I rate this episode a 10/10. So, what will come of the legacy?
Since I reviewed every single episode, I may as well review the Season 1 DVD. The sad thing is this, there is no extras, no commentary or deleted scenes, no live performances, etc. There's nothing but the episodes. But that's ok with me, as I'm fine with each and every episode.
Anyways my rating for the Season 1 DVD set is a 10/10 simply because I love this show.
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