Thursday, October 16, 2008

LoC Interview Pt. 1, by The Liztress

Welcome to Part One of the Interview with our founder and lead admin, LoC! This is The Liztress again with another interview, this time it's so HUGE I had to make it into parts. I present to you, Part One! The reason I say this is part one is due to the fact that I plan on "picking" Grave's mind even more in the next part. And who knows how many parts this takes? Grave is one mysterious dude and we'd love to get him figured out.

General Information-

Liz: Evening. Could you tell me your name and who you are on FKR?
LoC: Good evening to you as well! My name is Dan, and I am LoC at Fallen Knights Refuge.
Liz: Alright, how about we talk about you. What kind of things do you like?
LoC: me? Well I like Games(especially RPG's), a wide range of music, reading books, watching(mainly older) movies, and of course going to forums!
Liz: What are your fave games?
LoC: It's hard to list only a few, but I would say: Dragon Quest series, Phantasy Star I-IV, Suikoden series to name just a few
Liz: How about fave music?
LoC: ehh, a little of everything
LoC: Mainly Metal and Electronic music, but I listen to everything from Jazz,to classical, to old Country
Liz: Any artists you think stand out?
LoC: A lot actually, but it's tough to narrow down
LoC: For Metal I would say Leviathan,Vrolok, Shape Of Despair, Evoken, Summoning, Darkthrone and many others
LoC: For Electronic I would say Aphex Twin, Venetian Snares,Coil, Skinny Puppy, ohGr, Boards Of Canada, and a trillion others
LoC: these lists are always so difficult and limiting for me
Liz: Well, I won't ask for any more lists, lol.
LoC: it's alright!
LoC: it's hard to fit everything about me into a single interview anyway! (Author's Note: He's not lying. This is why we're going to have a few more interviews with the guy.)
Liz: Do you scare easily?
LoC: yes and no
LoC: why?
Liz: Just asking.
Liz: What scares you?
LoC: to be honest, I don't really know
LoC: it either does or it doesn't
Liz: Bloody bodies?
Liz: Scary or not?
LoC: sometimes, depends on how they are used
Liz: What if you're tossed into a pile of bloody bodies?
LoC: I think suspense and atmosphere are two of the biggest things in Horror films
LoC: being tossed into a pile of bloody bodies could be pretty umm...unsettling

Fallen Knights Refuge-

Liz: How did you come up with the idea for Fallen Knights Refuge, or FKR?
LoC: Well... the roots of the name Fallen Knights go way back to the year 2000, when I created the Fallen Knights mailinglist on AOL. Fallen Knights Refuge came about as the limitations of my previous forum(Chaos Refuge) became more and more painfully apparent. Moving to a different forum software with more freedom seemed like the right thing to do.
LoC: Originally I was going to call this forum Chaos Refuge too but I had wanted to keep CR open as an RP forum...which died a few weeks after opening Fallen Knights Refuge
LoC: as for FKR, it definitely has exceeded my expectations in a lot of ways
Liz: Care to tell us about some of those?
LoC: *wait, lemme finish this* my previous forum Chaos Refuge was fairly successful for about a month, then activity decreased rather abruptly due to a combination of factors such as members leaving or losing internet access etc.
Liz: Yes sir
LoC: Activity picked up a little bit again around the end of April, but the place was unstable at best.
LoC: After a while, I just decided that I should try to make a new forum. On May 20th, I just decided to go ahead and get started. The first week or 2 we only had about 3 or 4 active members, but things began to pick up by Mid June or so
LoC: At first I had no idea what to expect or for how long we would last. So I just decided to take things one day at a time, and did my best to keep the place fun and active.
LoC: Even now, I try to make each and every day count as much as possible.
Liz: So, can I ask another question now? lol
LoC: yes lol sorry about that
Liz: It's ok
Liz: Could you tell me what you like about FKR?
LoC: what I like about FKR?
LoC: well... I like the members, the topics, that we can have fun while still having some productive discussions, that most of the active members seem to genuinely want to better the forums, the lack of stress and assholes
Liz: How do you feel about the staff?
LoC: I am actually very satisified with our staff. Every single one of them has done so much to help better the forum, and try to do everything I ask of them. What more could I want?
Liz: You could want... Some prinnies
LoC: prinnies would be a plus, but find me one who wants to join the staff!
Liz: lol
Liz: Ok, could you tell me who are some of your favorite members on the forum?
LoC: I don't know, I like pretty much everyone
LoC: but I am especially appreciative of the folks who have stuck with us through thick and thin
LoC: you,Venom,Crazy K, Kit, and everyone else who has been here for the good and bad times
Liz: Do you think they are the reason FKR has been doing good this long?
LoC: they are definitely a big part of it, yes
LoC: without people who always stuck around, we never would have lasted this long
Liz: So, do you have high hopes for the forum?
LoC: in what way?
Liz: In the way that people will consider it their "online home"?
LoC: FKR has already surpassed my expectations, but I believe we can do even better.
LoC: I hope that everyone continues to enjoy the forum, and I hope to make them enjoy it even miore in the future
Liz: Of course they will
LoC: I always try to keep the forum fresh and exciting, and things like the Fanzine help get people involved and excited.

Fallen Knights Fanzine-

Liz: What are your thoughts of the Fanzine?
LoC: well, it's come a long way! lol
LoC: I first started work on the original version of the Fanzine back in January of 2002. At the time, we had 4 writers including myself. We threw the whole first issue together in a week or so, and we released it promptly on Feburary first. Ironically, that was the only issue we ever did that was on time!
Liz: Do you think that was a bad thing?
Liz: It being the only issue released on time?
LoC: of course I do! A magazine should always strive to be on time when delivering new issues, but we always seemed to have trouble getting it together on time. We had issues with web hosts, writers being busy or disappearing, and also the fact that I had somebody else as a webmaster, because I was terrible at working on websites myself.
LoC: Having the Fanzine as a blog has solved a lot of these problems, and it allows any of our writers to add content whenever they want.
Liz: But they always managed to get articles up.
Liz: Do you like the articles on there now?
LoC: Yes, I think we have a lot of great articles and reviews. The staff itself is great as well, but October has seemed a little slow so far compared to last month.
Liz: Do you think it's because everyone is striving to post some really spooky things for this month?
LoC: I know a number of good things are in the works, including from me as well
Liz: Awesome!
Liz: Do you think there are any improvements the Fanzine needs?
LoC: A lot of Halloween/Horror related content is something I really want to see for October. Should this go well, I am hoping to do Fanzine themes for other times of year as well.
Liz: Like Christmas?
LoC: As for the Fanzine itself, I wish we had a better looking skin on the blog. Something that fits the Fanzine better
LoC: yes, a Christmas theme would be great to see
LoC: Also I wish we could organize the Fanzine a little better, and I also hope to get deadlines for content in place. Of course I will still be fairly flexible if needed, but deadlines help keep things moving

The FKR Game Story-

Liz: Alright, what are your thoughts on the FKR Game Story?
LoC: Outside of you making me look like a complete fool?
LoC: nah just kidding
LoC: I love the story so far, and I think this is definitely the best one you have done to date
Liz: >.>
LoC: I look forward to each chapter, and I find a number of the plot twists to be clever and unexpected
Liz: Like?
LoC: me "killing" Wiki, this mysterious T&K character, the whole shotglass situation lol
LoC: to name just a few
Liz: lol
LoC: anyway, it's great
Liz: Thanks.
Liz: Anyways, what do you think will happen next on there?
LoC: I don't know, and I usually don't know!
LoC: that's what makes it so enjoyable
LoC: not knowing what will happen next
Liz: Good good.
Liz: What has been your favorite parts?
LoC: but I am seriously wondering who this T&K is
LoC: favorite parts? Well, there's the whole shotglass and stool things lol
LoC: Venom and I getting thrown in jail, "accidently" burninating Wiki

Stay tuned for part two of this interview next month! This has been The Liztress and I hope you enjoyed the interview!

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