The Party:
Last night(October 4th) was easily one of the best and most memorable nights I have had in a long time. Why was it so good? The reason of course was the CD listening party I had attended, for ohGr's newest album titled Devils in my Details or DIMD for short, which is due to be released on November 5th in the US. During this party I was able to hear the album multiple times, experienced several on the spot music improvs, and was able to chat with my fellow members of Litany, and most importantly the band itself! Both Ogre and Mark Walk were in attendance, although Ogre was the more talkative one. He spent several hours chatting with the fans, and answering our sometimes dumb questions. Ogre came across as an extremely friendly and patient guy, and it was great that he decided to stick around so long. Many questions were asked and answered during the course of the night, including a few that I threw out there myself.
The Album:
DIMD has far exceeded even MY high expectations, and sounded more than a little surprising in it's tone and mood. While 2003's SunnyPsyOp gave us a glimpse of a darker Ohgr, DIMD steps that up even more. Horror film actor Bill Moseley even appears on the album, to offer some excellent narration! At this point, I may go so far as to say this is my new pick for album of the year, and just an amazing album in general.
The Improvs:
The band also performed several on the spot improvs,often at times we weren't expecting. While I could be mistaken, I think I even heard them mention me in one of them! Some of my fellow party goers made some recordings of these jams, although I would have to see which ones.
The Chat:
Many of the other members of Litany forums were in attendance, and they were a joy to talk with as usual. The topics discussed ranged from band-related, to concerts, to rum, and seemingly a billion other things!
The Questions:
Ogre graciously took the time to answer as many of our questions as possible, and was happy to have most of my personal questions resolved. Here are the things I found out:
- There are 2 new albums of unreleased material in the works, titled Dsides and Dfault. Where Dsides is made up of music created during the same period as DMID, Dfault will be made up of material from all the way back in the mid 1990's.
- They are trying to get ahold of the original version of WELT from American Records, for a possible future release.
- The only confirmed touring member so far is long-time collaborator and band friend Bill Morrison on Bass
- When questioned about Mutual Mortuary, it sounds like he has no plans to release this music in the near future, if ever. This was a longshot question to begin with, but I felt like asking.
The Results:
Text to come
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