Game Name: Star Wars Republic Commando
Platform: Multiple
Reviewed by Kiwi
Star Wars: Republic Commando is an FPS on Xbox and PC. It was developed by the creator of all games Star Wars, Lucas Arts. It has one of the most enjoyable single player experiences Kiwi has seen in a game, let alone an FPS. The AI is intelligent, the guns are powerful, and everything looks and sounds great.
The most important aspect of the game is your squad. Without your squad this game fells more like a standard shooter with large doses of Star Wars as shown through the 2 times you must fight alone, the worst sections of the game, in Kiwi's opinion. The squad consist of you, the leader, a sniper, a demolitions expert, and a hacker. Though the roles, other then yours, don't really affect game play and mostly plays to help add personality to your squad mates. Your squad is very easy to command. Pretty much all commands are given through a single button (A on the standard Xbox control layout). You can order your squad to take up heavy weapons positions, man turrets, set traps, and even order them to focus their fire on single targets just by pushing A. You can also order your squad to take certain stances, hold a position, aggressive advancement, follow you, and to cancel all current actions, such as turrets, by pressing A and a direction on the D-pad. The presence of heavy weapon positions: anti-armor, sniper, and grenades; and opportunities for setting traps encourage you to maintain awareness of what's around you. It works so well that Kiwi can honestly say this is one of the few shooters where co-op would be unthinkable because the squad system is so well done.
Every shooter is made or broken by it's weapons, and Republic Commando does very well on this front. The first one you will have and will become very familiar with is the DC something rifle. Good rate of fire, accurate, and does decent damage per shot. The weapon is modular in that you can take off and put on parts to make it an anti-armor weapon or a sniper rifle. You also start out with a pistol with infinite ammo. It however, can only fire a few shots before requiring to recharge, and it is really only good against weaker enemies. You also have 4 types of grenades, thermal detonators, good against organic enemies, ECDs, good against mechanical threats, sonic grenades which can be thrown on walls or the grounds and go off if an enemy comes near, decent against both, and flash bang grenades. The first two are extremely useful, sonic are ok if you are out of what you need, and the flash bang's uses are very limited, they do nothing against droids. That makes up your standard equipment. It is further complimented by a variety of weapons that you can pick up off your enemies, or just find lying around. There is your basic SMG, shotgun, heavy machine gun (complete with a bayonet) and a homing rocket launcher. Then there's two weapons that are more unique, the concussion rifle which fire a projectile that, when it hits a target, makes a loud noise, then the projectile explodes. The concussion rifle also has a melee attack that stuns enemies, making it worth picking up, if only for the melee attack. The Geonosian Elite Beam weapon, which fires a laser beam after a very brief charge up time, not very damaging, but it has its uses. Then there is the Wookie Crossbow, it bounces off walls and can pin enemies to walls as well, in addition to a scope. And with any weapon you can melee, the speed varies depending on what you have out, but melee is a very effective, if risky way to deal with enemies. Many can be taken out with a single blow. Some of the more powerful enemies, such as Super Battledroids can be dealt with by running up and punching them over and over again. Though that tactic is less effective when there is more then one of said enemies.
The AI of this game is exceptional. Your squad is intelligent, knows where to take cover, and can do well for themselves in a fight against most enemies. The only enemy that seem to be generally incompetent are the basic Battledroids, but that seems more like staying true to how they are generally portrayed then anything else. Others, such as Trandosian mercenaries are quite intelligent. Both your squad and certain enemies will throw grenades back if one lands at their feet. Also, while meleeing enemies is effective, if you're not careful you can find yourself on the receiving end of a punch to the face. However, there are times where the AI does show it's weakness. Sometimes your squad mates will run right in front of turrets; this doesn't happen often but it is quite annoying when it does. Another is that while the members of your squad are touted as being specialist in a certain areas, they all do the same task with the same efficiency. Kiwi understands why it is, but it would be nice that if, for example, you order someone to place explosives, that the demolitions expert would be the first to do it. As it is, the closest one does it.
Graphics wise, the game is fine. Some of the areas struck Kiwi as bland, however this is balanced by the excellent enemy and weapon design. There are many cool animations. Just watch an enemy charge one of your squad mates, and you'll see what Kiwi means. The voice acting in this game is excellent, your commandos are full of awesome lines. The enemies are also enjoyable as well, even though some too talk too much. The weapons sound like they are as much fun as they are to use. The music is a downside. Kiwi only remembers hearing one song through out the whole game.
The single player is a fun ride, with the exception of the segments where you are alone, and the two timed segments. The ending seemed kinda sudden to Kiwi though. Kiwi wishes the same could be said for the multiplayer. The maps are pretty small, and Kiwi just didn't enjoy it that much. The fact that you can customize the look of your character is pretty cool, and choose between a Commando and a Trandosian Mercenary. Granted, it might be different since Kiwi didn't play it that much.
An excellent single player shooter, with a bland multiplayer. If you want something to play with friends, look elsewhere, but if you're looking for something to take your mind off the fact that you have no friends, then this is for you.
Friday, October 31, 2008
MSN Beta 9.0 Review, by Lloyd Reed
Program Name: MSN Beta 9.0
Platform: Windows
Review, by Lloyd Reed( guest contributer)
I have been using the new MSN(Windows Live) Messenger for a few weeks now, I shall rate it
Layout: 9.0
I like the layout, its very slick, it have built-in themes, a favorites for quick chatting with importaint people.
Use: 10.0
I would say, perfect. I use this quite often, it runs faster that the old 8.5 that I had. Its great.
E-Mail: 10.0
Another perfect. It tells you how many e-mails you have, and if you installed the MSN mail, like I did, you will love looking at your mail in a nice program.
Overall: 29/30
I am really happy with this. Its really good, its sleek, and its light on the resources.
I have not seen any issues with it at all. My last MSN would log-in and out randomly, none of that here! Over all, I say, I can't wait for this to be out of the beta.
Platform: Windows
Review, by Lloyd Reed( guest contributer)
I have been using the new MSN(Windows Live) Messenger for a few weeks now, I shall rate it
Layout: 9.0
I like the layout, its very slick, it have built-in themes, a favorites for quick chatting with importaint people.
Use: 10.0
I would say, perfect. I use this quite often, it runs faster that the old 8.5 that I had. Its great.
E-Mail: 10.0
Another perfect. It tells you how many e-mails you have, and if you installed the MSN mail, like I did, you will love looking at your mail in a nice program.
Overall: 29/30
I am really happy with this. Its really good, its sleek, and its light on the resources.
I have not seen any issues with it at all. My last MSN would log-in and out randomly, none of that here! Over all, I say, I can't wait for this to be out of the beta.
Touch The Dead Review, by Kiwi
Game Title: Touch The Dead
System: Nintendo DS
Reviewed by Kiwi

Touch the Dead (or Dead 'N Furious if you're European) is an on-rails shooter for the DS. It attempts to replicate the feel of arcade shooters such as House of the Dead. Only with a stylus in the place of a lightgun.
The touch screen is well suited to touching the undead with bullets. There weren't really any moments where it didn't register a shot. Needless to say, it is much easier to be precise with the touch screen then with a light gun. This does take away some emphasis from precision and places it on reloading, which is done by sliding the clip from one side of the screen to the other, most importantly the timing of it and doing it quickly. Even after you slide the clip acorss, your character must go through the animation before you can go back to shooting'em up. The strategy of where to shoot, head shots are good enough for normal difficulty, but furious can require a bit more thought behind shot placement, and reloading does lend some tactical thought to a game that requires little otherwise.
There are four weapons you find throughout the game: Shotgun, SMG, Pistol, and Crowbar. The pistol and shotgun are the most useful, however the SMG is near worthless. Your firepower is further improved by obtaining weapon upgrades at certain points, the first is always increased reload spead.
The story is pretty much non-existent. You are a prisoner, door opens, find gun, everyone's a zombie, go kill them. There are cutscenes in between levels, but they are mostly one-liners and generally uninteresting.
The graphics are down right ugly. Everything is blocky and the textures are very low quality.
Palette swaps make up most of the variety of enemies in this (with increases in durability). Though the ranks of the undead also include zombie rats, zombie bats, zombie alligators, zombie leeches, and robots, which are probably also zombies. There are also bosses at the end of each chapter which are pretty fun to face. The standard zombies also pull out neat tricks occasionally, but not often enough.
The sounds are a mixed bag. The pistol and SMG sound pretty cool, but the shotgun sounds weak. The zombies' groans get old pretty fast, and there is no music, except during boss fights and in the main menu.
Touch the Dead has captured how much fun it is to poke dead things with a stick. Unfortunately the sounds, graphics, and shortness (about 2-3 hours) holds it back from greatness.
Reviewed by Kiwi

Touch the Dead (or Dead 'N Furious if you're European) is an on-rails shooter for the DS. It attempts to replicate the feel of arcade shooters such as House of the Dead. Only with a stylus in the place of a lightgun.
The touch screen is well suited to touching the undead with bullets. There weren't really any moments where it didn't register a shot. Needless to say, it is much easier to be precise with the touch screen then with a light gun. This does take away some emphasis from precision and places it on reloading, which is done by sliding the clip from one side of the screen to the other, most importantly the timing of it and doing it quickly. Even after you slide the clip acorss, your character must go through the animation before you can go back to shooting'em up. The strategy of where to shoot, head shots are good enough for normal difficulty, but furious can require a bit more thought behind shot placement, and reloading does lend some tactical thought to a game that requires little otherwise.
There are four weapons you find throughout the game: Shotgun, SMG, Pistol, and Crowbar. The pistol and shotgun are the most useful, however the SMG is near worthless. Your firepower is further improved by obtaining weapon upgrades at certain points, the first is always increased reload spead.
The story is pretty much non-existent. You are a prisoner, door opens, find gun, everyone's a zombie, go kill them. There are cutscenes in between levels, but they are mostly one-liners and generally uninteresting.
The graphics are down right ugly. Everything is blocky and the textures are very low quality.
Palette swaps make up most of the variety of enemies in this (with increases in durability). Though the ranks of the undead also include zombie rats, zombie bats, zombie alligators, zombie leeches, and robots, which are probably also zombies. There are also bosses at the end of each chapter which are pretty fun to face. The standard zombies also pull out neat tricks occasionally, but not often enough.
The sounds are a mixed bag. The pistol and SMG sound pretty cool, but the shotgun sounds weak. The zombies' groans get old pretty fast, and there is no music, except during boss fights and in the main menu.
Touch the Dead has captured how much fun it is to poke dead things with a stick. Unfortunately the sounds, graphics, and shortness (about 2-3 hours) holds it back from greatness.
Happy Halloween From Fallen Knights Fanzine!
Hello everyone, this is LoC again, just stopping by to wish you all a Happy Halloween from all of us at Fallen Knights Refuge. Originally I was hoping to have a lot more Halloween related content ready to go for tonight, but all is not lost. As you will soon see, we have a few things ready for your viewing pleasure anyway. Thanks and enjoy!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Opening Disaster, by Kiwi
I present to everyone, one of Kiwi's great-so-awesome-it-should-be-illegal stories!
If you like this story, check out his thread dedicated to them here:
We find our heroes sitting in Robert's living room, bored beyond measure. "You'd think that 5 mechs and a tank could get into all sorts of mischief on a daily basis, but here we are, sitting around with nothing to do," said Robert with a sigh. "Yeah, I thought we'd get into all kinds of fun things," said Angela annoyed. The group sat in silence for a moment longer when suddenly, the front door flew off its hinges, slammed into the Pester Machine, and pinned him to the wall, leaving just his legs visible and twitching. Robert darted over to where the Pester Machine was pinned, "You ok there?"
"It's just a flesh wound."
"You don't have flesh."
"Then it's worse then it looks," with this, Robert pried the door off the Pester Machine.
"Hi guys!" Everyone turned to see Larry the Catapult coming in. "Doesn't anybody knock anymore," demanded Robert, annoyed at the rudeness of kids these days. "Sorry," said Larry sheepishly. "Why did you disappear," asked Tiffany. "Story reasons, can't introduce too many characters too quickly or the readers gets lost," explained Larry. "Anyway, I just heard that at some high tech laboratory they were cloning babies!" This revelation everyone look at Larry.
"Are you serious?"
"My dream of pestering 20 babies at once could come true!"
"Whoo-hoo! All you can eat buffet!" yelled both Robert and Spot. Larry shook his head, "They won't share, and the place is locked down tight." Angela stepped forward, "I could kick'em in the nadgers." Larry again shook his head, "No go, they're all normal sized people, no mechs, and they're eunuchs on top of that. The only way to get at it is a stealthy approach." Robert and Spot both looked down, "We're not good at stealth." Tiffany took a step forward this time, "I used to lead some covert ops awhile back." Spot looked at Tiffany, "What covert ops?"
"That's classified."
"Then how come you mentioned them?"
"Ask anymore questions and I'll kick you in the nadgers."
"The prosecution rest," said Spot as he took a step away from Tiffany. "Alright, so Tiffany's in charge of planning this operation," said Robert. Larry dropped a bundle of papers on the floor, "Here's the blueprints of the facility." Tyrese looked at them incredulously, "How did you get these?" Larry quickly answered, "Found it on the internet." Tiffany picked them up, "I'll start planning right away."
Two hours later
"So are we clear on the plan," asked Tiffany as she looked around. Everyone except Spot nodded their head, "Just one question, why are you and Angela the distraction and not any of the others?"
"Because I am much more skilled at stealth then you, and both me and Angela could use our feminine wiles to avoid trouble, if worst comes to worst." Spot shaked his fist, so to speak, at this, "Accursed feminine wiles; they are an enemy of mine." Angela shot Spot a dirty look and Tiffany just ignore him. "Alright, are there anymore questions?" Everyone shaked their head. "Let's get to work!"
The group was hiding in the fringe of a forest placed conveniently close to the facility there were plotting to infiltrate. "Everyone ready," asked Tiffany. Everyone nodded their heads. "Alright, Angela, let's go!" They moved about 500 yards to the left of the group then moved towards the facility. When they got close enough, Tiffany turned to Angela and screamed, "I KNOW YOU WERE WITH HIM!
One of the guards shouted out, "Cat fight!" His buddy turned to him, "But their machines, it's kinda wierd." Guard number one looked at him for a moment as if he was stupid, "It's two girls, even if they are machines, fighting, and that makes it hot." With this established, all the guards ran out to watch.
At that moment, Angela tackled Tiffany and they started brawling. The rest of the group took this as the signal and snuck into the compound unnoticed. When the group was out of sight, the two stopped fighting, got up, and shook hands. "Friends?"
"Let's go shopping for shoes."
"But I don't wear shoes."
The guards went back to their post, disappointed that it was over, and the two ladies walked off towards the woods. Inside the building, the group was sitting in an airduct that somehow could fit them all. "How could this hold us all?" asked Spot. "Everything involving stealth has to have the main characters in airducts or other small spaces," responded Larry. "Still, this thing is so huge, you couldn't even make up a reason for it being this large," said Tyrese. "Moral reasons," stated Larry. "That works."
"Hey guys," said Tiffany as she came up on the group. "So..." Robert paused for dramatic effect, "what's our next move again?" Tiffany took a breath, "We're gonna have to get the master control keycard." It was the Pester Machine's turn to be confused, "Huh? Whuzzat?"
"It's the keycard that belongs to the guy who runs the place, he's paranoid about thieves breaking into his house so he keeps the card in a high security room with laser beams and pressure sensitive floor."
"That seems unnecessary."
"But it's a chance for us. Now we're gonna lower Angela from this vent here so she can grab it."
"Why me?"
"Because, you're the smallest here."
"The Pester Machine is smaller then me."
"But I have no arms."
"I'm all thumbs when it comes to things like these."
"Fine," said Tiffany with a sigh, "Spot, you're doing it."
"Why me?"
"Because I've seen you with a slinky before."
"Oh, ok."
"The air vent over the keycard is over there, let's get moving." The rest of the group moved forward but Tiffany stood where she was and called Angela over to talk to her, "What was it you meant when you called me small?" Angela was surprised by this. "Uhhhh... I mean... It's just something I saw on TV." Tiffany appear to accept this and she ran to catch up with the group. Once she and Angela caught up with the group they began to lower Spot down to the keycard. While he was halfway there the door opened and he froze in place. The owner of the lab came in whistling a merry tune, when he sensed that something was amiss and looked up. "What in the world are you?"
"Uhhh... a spider?"
"Oh, ok," the lab owner took another step forward then it hit him. "SPIDER!" he screamed as he ran out the door. "Alright guys, a little more." When he was brought with in reach he quickly grabbed it and replaced it with a block of wood he had in his other hand. "Pull me up!" They pulled him up, post haste and he showed off his prize. "Why did you put the block of wood in it's place?" asked Tyrese. Spot looked at him for a moment, "Haven't you ever seen Indiana Jones movies?" Tyrese shook his turret, "That's only required in ancient temples." Tiffany stepped in between the two, "That's enough of that, it's time to move onto the next part of the plan."
The group was hiding in a storage closet large enough for them all, wearing lab coats that fit them perfectly, even Tyrese. "It's convenient that all the halls and such are mech sized," said Robert. "There are even some lab coats that fit us perfectly," said Spot. Larry nodded, "Of course, it would have taken too long to describe a way we could get around those obstacles." The group headed out of the supply closet and towards their objective. On they way they passed through three metal detectors and no one seemed to notice the fact that they broke them going through the things. When they finally reached their destination. Spot swiped the card through the reader and the door opened to reveal a machine spitting out small goats. Everyone turned to look at Larry, "You said they were cloning babies," said the Pester Machine accusingly. Larry began backing away from the group, "I heard they were cloning kids. I thought they were cloning'em as babies and growing them!" The rest of the group looked down at the ground dejected.
"STOP RIGHT THERE!" The group turned to see the owner and a few guards standing around him, "I don't know what you spiders want but stay away from my kid machine!" Robert just waved him off, "We didn't come here for any goats, we were looking for a machine that cloned babies." The owner scratched his head, "Oh, that, it's right down the hall." Robert and the rest were elated and began to walk of to see it for themselves. "However, I can't have spiders, especially giant ones, in my facility," with that the owner pushed a button on a remote and ran off. "Self-destruct in 5 minutes!" Tiffany turned to the group, "The main computer is right down the hallway too! Maybe we can shut off the self-destruct from there." The group ran to see a computer counting down the time till the explodification process begins. Tiffany arrived ahead and was trying to crack the password to stop it. "It's no good!"
"Try checking his documents! Maybe there's a hint there!"
"Good idea!" However her check was in vain as the time reached 10 seconds, everyone held their breath as it counted down: 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, the whole group covered their heads, some more successful then others, but all they heard was a beep. They looked up to see the Blue Screen of Death had stopped the count down in time. As one, they released a sigh of relief. They heard another beep and looked up at the screen to see, "Just kidding."
The explosion was a pretty nice one, the owner couldn't deny that as he rode of in his copter. It was just a shame he lost the kid machine. Still, at least the spiders were dead.
Robert picked himself up off the ground. "Well, that was a waste," said Angela as she picked herself up off the ground as well. "At least we had something to do," said Tiffany. "I didn't get to achieve my dream," the Pester Machine sounded as if he was on the verge of tears. "There, there, you'll get it eventually," Spot said to comfort him as he patted him on the back. "Well, what do we do now?" said Spot. "What we must always do" responded Robert, "Trivial Pursuit."
The End
Legal Stuff:
(Any copyrighted characters or material belong to their respective owners, don't sue, plzkthnx)
If you like this story, check out his thread dedicated to them here:
We find our heroes sitting in Robert's living room, bored beyond measure. "You'd think that 5 mechs and a tank could get into all sorts of mischief on a daily basis, but here we are, sitting around with nothing to do," said Robert with a sigh. "Yeah, I thought we'd get into all kinds of fun things," said Angela annoyed. The group sat in silence for a moment longer when suddenly, the front door flew off its hinges, slammed into the Pester Machine, and pinned him to the wall, leaving just his legs visible and twitching. Robert darted over to where the Pester Machine was pinned, "You ok there?"
"It's just a flesh wound."
"You don't have flesh."
"Then it's worse then it looks," with this, Robert pried the door off the Pester Machine.
"Hi guys!" Everyone turned to see Larry the Catapult coming in. "Doesn't anybody knock anymore," demanded Robert, annoyed at the rudeness of kids these days. "Sorry," said Larry sheepishly. "Why did you disappear," asked Tiffany. "Story reasons, can't introduce too many characters too quickly or the readers gets lost," explained Larry. "Anyway, I just heard that at some high tech laboratory they were cloning babies!" This revelation everyone look at Larry.
"Are you serious?"
"My dream of pestering 20 babies at once could come true!"
"Whoo-hoo! All you can eat buffet!" yelled both Robert and Spot. Larry shook his head, "They won't share, and the place is locked down tight." Angela stepped forward, "I could kick'em in the nadgers." Larry again shook his head, "No go, they're all normal sized people, no mechs, and they're eunuchs on top of that. The only way to get at it is a stealthy approach." Robert and Spot both looked down, "We're not good at stealth." Tiffany took a step forward this time, "I used to lead some covert ops awhile back." Spot looked at Tiffany, "What covert ops?"
"That's classified."
"Then how come you mentioned them?"
"Ask anymore questions and I'll kick you in the nadgers."
"The prosecution rest," said Spot as he took a step away from Tiffany. "Alright, so Tiffany's in charge of planning this operation," said Robert. Larry dropped a bundle of papers on the floor, "Here's the blueprints of the facility." Tyrese looked at them incredulously, "How did you get these?" Larry quickly answered, "Found it on the internet." Tiffany picked them up, "I'll start planning right away."
Two hours later
"So are we clear on the plan," asked Tiffany as she looked around. Everyone except Spot nodded their head, "Just one question, why are you and Angela the distraction and not any of the others?"
"Because I am much more skilled at stealth then you, and both me and Angela could use our feminine wiles to avoid trouble, if worst comes to worst." Spot shaked his fist, so to speak, at this, "Accursed feminine wiles; they are an enemy of mine." Angela shot Spot a dirty look and Tiffany just ignore him. "Alright, are there anymore questions?" Everyone shaked their head. "Let's get to work!"
The group was hiding in the fringe of a forest placed conveniently close to the facility there were plotting to infiltrate. "Everyone ready," asked Tiffany. Everyone nodded their heads. "Alright, Angela, let's go!" They moved about 500 yards to the left of the group then moved towards the facility. When they got close enough, Tiffany turned to Angela and screamed, "I KNOW YOU WERE WITH HIM!
One of the guards shouted out, "Cat fight!" His buddy turned to him, "But their machines, it's kinda wierd." Guard number one looked at him for a moment as if he was stupid, "It's two girls, even if they are machines, fighting, and that makes it hot." With this established, all the guards ran out to watch.
At that moment, Angela tackled Tiffany and they started brawling. The rest of the group took this as the signal and snuck into the compound unnoticed. When the group was out of sight, the two stopped fighting, got up, and shook hands. "Friends?"
"Let's go shopping for shoes."
"But I don't wear shoes."
The guards went back to their post, disappointed that it was over, and the two ladies walked off towards the woods. Inside the building, the group was sitting in an airduct that somehow could fit them all. "How could this hold us all?" asked Spot. "Everything involving stealth has to have the main characters in airducts or other small spaces," responded Larry. "Still, this thing is so huge, you couldn't even make up a reason for it being this large," said Tyrese. "Moral reasons," stated Larry. "That works."
"Hey guys," said Tiffany as she came up on the group. "So..." Robert paused for dramatic effect, "what's our next move again?" Tiffany took a breath, "We're gonna have to get the master control keycard." It was the Pester Machine's turn to be confused, "Huh? Whuzzat?"
"It's the keycard that belongs to the guy who runs the place, he's paranoid about thieves breaking into his house so he keeps the card in a high security room with laser beams and pressure sensitive floor."
"That seems unnecessary."
"But it's a chance for us. Now we're gonna lower Angela from this vent here so she can grab it."
"Why me?"
"Because, you're the smallest here."
"The Pester Machine is smaller then me."
"But I have no arms."
"I'm all thumbs when it comes to things like these."
"Fine," said Tiffany with a sigh, "Spot, you're doing it."
"Why me?"
"Because I've seen you with a slinky before."
"Oh, ok."
"The air vent over the keycard is over there, let's get moving." The rest of the group moved forward but Tiffany stood where she was and called Angela over to talk to her, "What was it you meant when you called me small?" Angela was surprised by this. "Uhhhh... I mean... It's just something I saw on TV." Tiffany appear to accept this and she ran to catch up with the group. Once she and Angela caught up with the group they began to lower Spot down to the keycard. While he was halfway there the door opened and he froze in place. The owner of the lab came in whistling a merry tune, when he sensed that something was amiss and looked up. "What in the world are you?"
"Uhhh... a spider?"
"Oh, ok," the lab owner took another step forward then it hit him. "SPIDER!" he screamed as he ran out the door. "Alright guys, a little more." When he was brought with in reach he quickly grabbed it and replaced it with a block of wood he had in his other hand. "Pull me up!" They pulled him up, post haste and he showed off his prize. "Why did you put the block of wood in it's place?" asked Tyrese. Spot looked at him for a moment, "Haven't you ever seen Indiana Jones movies?" Tyrese shook his turret, "That's only required in ancient temples." Tiffany stepped in between the two, "That's enough of that, it's time to move onto the next part of the plan."
The group was hiding in a storage closet large enough for them all, wearing lab coats that fit them perfectly, even Tyrese. "It's convenient that all the halls and such are mech sized," said Robert. "There are even some lab coats that fit us perfectly," said Spot. Larry nodded, "Of course, it would have taken too long to describe a way we could get around those obstacles." The group headed out of the supply closet and towards their objective. On they way they passed through three metal detectors and no one seemed to notice the fact that they broke them going through the things. When they finally reached their destination. Spot swiped the card through the reader and the door opened to reveal a machine spitting out small goats. Everyone turned to look at Larry, "You said they were cloning babies," said the Pester Machine accusingly. Larry began backing away from the group, "I heard they were cloning kids. I thought they were cloning'em as babies and growing them!" The rest of the group looked down at the ground dejected.
"STOP RIGHT THERE!" The group turned to see the owner and a few guards standing around him, "I don't know what you spiders want but stay away from my kid machine!" Robert just waved him off, "We didn't come here for any goats, we were looking for a machine that cloned babies." The owner scratched his head, "Oh, that, it's right down the hall." Robert and the rest were elated and began to walk of to see it for themselves. "However, I can't have spiders, especially giant ones, in my facility," with that the owner pushed a button on a remote and ran off. "Self-destruct in 5 minutes!" Tiffany turned to the group, "The main computer is right down the hallway too! Maybe we can shut off the self-destruct from there." The group ran to see a computer counting down the time till the explodification process begins. Tiffany arrived ahead and was trying to crack the password to stop it. "It's no good!"
"Try checking his documents! Maybe there's a hint there!"
"Good idea!" However her check was in vain as the time reached 10 seconds, everyone held their breath as it counted down: 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, the whole group covered their heads, some more successful then others, but all they heard was a beep. They looked up to see the Blue Screen of Death had stopped the count down in time. As one, they released a sigh of relief. They heard another beep and looked up at the screen to see, "Just kidding."
The explosion was a pretty nice one, the owner couldn't deny that as he rode of in his copter. It was just a shame he lost the kid machine. Still, at least the spiders were dead.
Robert picked himself up off the ground. "Well, that was a waste," said Angela as she picked herself up off the ground as well. "At least we had something to do," said Tiffany. "I didn't get to achieve my dream," the Pester Machine sounded as if he was on the verge of tears. "There, there, you'll get it eventually," Spot said to comfort him as he patted him on the back. "Well, what do we do now?" said Spot. "What we must always do" responded Robert, "Trivial Pursuit."
The End
Legal Stuff:
(Any copyrighted characters or material belong to their respective owners, don't sue, plzkthnx)
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Kiwi Interview, by The Liztress
Welcome to yet another interview by me, The Liztress! Today's guest is the one, the only Kiwi! You might know him for his take on things and his love for guns and mechs. Also, he is that guy who talks in third person. So without further adieu, let the interview begin!
General Information-
Liz: Evening Kiwi. How are you doing?
Kiwi: Kiwi is fine
Liz: Could you tell everyone a little something about you?
Kiwi: Just know that there is only a 10% chance of truthful answers
Liz: That's fine. As long as you have fun with the interview, that's all that matters
Kiwi: Hmmmm.... Kiwi speaks in the third person, likes history, guns, and shiny objects
Liz: Shiny objects? Like coins and such?
Kiwi: And other things
Liz: What happens to be your favorite gun? And how many do you own in real life?
Kiwi: Shotgun, definitely, and Kiwi owns none
Liz: Any plans on getting one?
Kiwi: At some point in time
Liz: Care to tell us what your favorite video games are?
Kiwi: Halo (original is best), Team Fortress 2, Dawn of War, System Shock 2, couple others Kiwi can't think of...
Liz: So you prefer the shooting genre?
Kiwi: That and strategy, even if thinking makes Kiwi's brain hurts
Liz: Well, they say thinking is good for people.
Liz: What kind of music do you like?
Kiwi: Everything, except rap
Liz: Got any favorite songs you listen to?
Kiwi: That's worth about 2 pages or so of songs some of them is Homeworld by Yes, Mr. Fancy Pants, Banana Man, Eye of the Tiger, Never Gonna Give You Up, and a bunch of others
Kiwi: Favorite Band is Sabaton though
Liz: What makes you like Sabaton more than the rest?
Kiwi: Hmmmm, probably the biggest is the lyrics. A lot of their songs are about specific battles and such in history.
Liz: Cool. Which song would you recommend to a new listener of them?
Kiwi: Hmmm, that's a tough one....
Kiwi: Probably Speeder, as that is among Kiwi's favorites
Liz: So, who do you want to become the next President: Obama, McCain, or _______ (fill in the blank)?
Kiwi: A bunch of people on Kiwi's friends list performed a mass cult suicide
Kiwi: Ron Paul
Kiwi: Or Megatron
Kiwi: Or MegatRon Paul
Liz: Whoa
Kiwi: (Though Kiwi has to admit he didn't make up MegatRon Paul)
Liz: Oh
Liz: Who did?
Kiwi: Some dude
Liz: Oh
Kiwi: But Kiwi thinks neither McCain or Obama are suited for the task
Liz: Do you think they'll do worse than Bush?
Kiwi: Maybe
Kiwi: Only history will really be able to tell if George Bush was truly the bad president he is made out to be
Liz: Yeah, and by then, will it really matter to us? We'll probably be dead.
Kiwi: Kiwi would say at least 10-15 years before we can be sure
Liz: Unless the world ends. Do you believe in that thoery?
Liz: *theory
Kiwi: 2012, Mayan Calander, astroid attack, and all that?
Liz: Yeah
Kiwi: It might happen then, might not
Kiwi: But Kiwi isn't gonna bank on it
Liz: So, you like to take things as they come along?
Kiwi: To some degree
Kiwi: Life is enough of a reason for living and all that
Liz: I agree.
Kiwi: Though Kiwi would love to see the fate of the world come down to a break dancing contest
Kiwi: Or a game of space invaders
Liz: How about mud wrestling? Or a baby eating contest? As you seem to like baby food
Kiwi: Hmmm...
Kiwi: Definitely space invaders
Kiwi: A single tank/cannon/base on wheels against floating seafood
Liz: lol
Liz: That would be fun to watch
Kiwi: Exactly
Kiwi: End the world with a spectacle
Liz: Best way to go out
Kiwi: But they have to make the noises
Kiwi: At least the seafood does
Liz: What kind of noises? slushy ones?
Kiwi: The noises they make in the old arcade game as they move
Liz: Ah, that would be better
Kiwi: Because it is a good impending doom noise, but we can still laugh at the low quality
Liz: As long as the graphics aren't low quality
Kiwi: But that would take away the charm!
Kiwi: Either way works
Liz: What's your favorite food?
Kiwi: Mealwise: Meat and taters, A1 on the meat. Snack: Popcorn with extra butter, heart-stopping goodness right there. Drinkwise: Coffee
Kiwi: Kiwi must have rolled a 1 when he did his deceptive mood check as Kiwi hasn't been lying...
Liz: Well, that's a good thing for me.
Liz: And what kind of taters? Fried, baked, steamed?
Kiwi: Any of those work
Kiwi: Except potato salad
Liz: Why not?
Kiwi: Waste of good spuds
Kiwi: 'Cause it's nasty
Liz: Don't like mayo?
Kiwi: Nope, makes Kiwi ill
Kiwi: Except some Miracle Whip in sandwiches
Liz: Miracle Whip is kinda tangy, I think.
Kiwi: It doesn't make Kiwi ill
Kiwi: That's what matters
Liz: True true.
Fallen Knights Refuge-
Liz: So, could you tell us your thoughts on Fallen Knights Refuge?
Kiwi: It's decent enough
Liz: Any improvements you think need to be made?
Kiwi: Not enough out there or random topics for Kiwi's liking
Kiwi: And people actually posting
Kiwi: In interesting topics
Liz: What kind of random topics would you like to see on there?
Kiwi: The random kind
Liz: Like, one about which are better hot dogs or corn dogs?
Kiwi: No, like, "Kiwi hit a rock with a hammer and it made a spark"
Liz: Ah, well that is random.
Liz: And would make a great topic
Kiwi: Exactly
Kiwi: which is the point
Liz: We'll have to make more topics like that.
Kiwi: Yes, you lot should
Liz: So, your thoughts on the staff?
Kiwi: You are fine, that Grave person comes off as too much of a pansy, and Kiwi can't recall any others
Liz: There's Venom and Crazy K
Kiwi: They are generic
Liz: :/ I reckon it's better than being non-existant
Kiwi: they should be more noticeable and different as generic people get mocked where Kiwi comes from
Liz: A lot of people get mocked despite how unique they are
Kiwi: More fun when they aren't generic though
Liz: This is true.
Liz: Do you like the memberbase on FKR?
Kiwi: You ever heard of the idea that there are some personalities that have been copied and can be found anywhere?
Liz: Yeah, do you think that's the case on the forum?
Kiwi: Couple people
Kiwi: Remind Kiwi a lot of people he's seen elsewhere
Liz: On other forums and such?
Kiwi: Of course
Liz: Do they act like people you don't like? Or are they still likable?
Kiwi: Though that might be partly due to Kiwi not bothering to pay much attention
Kiwi: Eh, most are neutral. One or two Kiwi doesn't like.
Liz: Well, ignoring those might be the best course of action.
Kiwi: That's what Kiwi does
Kiwi: Or laugh at them
Liz: I guess you could do worse to them.
Kiwi: Eat their children
Liz: Yep
Liz: That's a no-no.
Kiwi: Mmmm.... babies
Kiwi: Some A1 on'em
Liz: :/ I don't think that's approved here
Kiwi: Good thing Kiwi ain't seeking approval
Kiwi: Just a good sandwich
Liz: A BBQ one?
Kiwi: If those B's mean baby, then yes
Liz: Well, a BBQB sandwich then
Kiwi: Baby Baby something starting with Q Baby sandwich
Kiwi: Kiwi hates real BBQ too sweet
Liz: Oh, some places make it spicy
Kiwi: Eh, not a huge spicy fan
Fallen Knights Fanzine-
Liz: So, what do you think about the Fanzine?
Kiwi: It's decent
Kiwi: Somethings are interesting
Kiwi: Some aren't
Liz: Favorite article?
Kiwi: Whatever Kiwi made
In all serious, Kiwi doesn't have one.
Liz: Do you have one that stands out?
Kiwi: If Kiwi did, that would be his favorite.
Liz: lol, good.
Liz: Even though I know it's just because you like yourself a lot.
Liz: Nothing wrong with that.
Kiwi: What?
Liz: Liking yourself.
Liz: It's good to think highly of one's self.
Kiwi: What makes you say dat?
Kiwi: Kiwi would punch himself if he ever met himself
Kiwi: Get on Kiwi's nerves he would
Liz: Well, if you constantly rag on yourself and think less of yourself, it leads people to thinking less of you. And you'll get nowhere in life.
Liz: Nah, Kiwi... I think you'd get along with yourself if you ever met
Kiwi: Kiwi would like to know where people get these crazy ideas that Kiwi is a narcisst (however that is spelled) or hates himself.
Liz: I don't know. I can't see someone like you hating yourself.
Kiwi: Must be Kiwi's stunning personality and sweet dance moves
Liz: lmao
Liz: It could be.
Kiwi: Can't be the third person speak.
Liz: Actually, that makes you stand out.
Kiwi: Exactly, means only an idiot would forget Kiwi's name
Liz: True.
Liz: So, who is your closest friend on the forum?
Kiwi: Kiwi hasn't really talked to anyone there outside of the forum
Kiwi: Except Kiwi's waifu, Kazyen.
Liz: So, Kazyen then? How did you met her?
Kiwi: Anotha forum
Liz: Was it Wiki's old one?
Kiwi: Oh no, before that.
Liz: Ah, cool.
Kiwi: She was the reason Kiwi went thar anyway
Kiwi: Actually, Kiwi thinks it was the first place Kiwi saw him too
Liz: So, what do you think about the stories people have written on FKR? And do you think yours is as great as people tell you it is?
Kiwi: Wait, people say it's great? Since when?
Liz: Well, I think it's extremely well written and funny to boot
Kiwi: Why tank you.
Liz: No prob.
Kiwi: Reminds Kiwi he needs to finish up the first part of the next one and type it up...
Liz: Maybe you'll let us put it in the Fanzine?
Kiwi: If you lot really want to do that. Any legal problems that come up are yers
Liz: >.> I'll shift the blame to Grave.
Kiwi: That works
Kiwi: (Any copyrighted characters or material belong to their respective owners, don't sue, plzkthnx)
Liz: I'll make sure to place that in the post before I add it to the fanzine
Kiwi: That seems safe
Liz: Yep. Gotta cover our asses.
Kiwi: Which is why Kiwi always carries a Rear Guard
Liz: Pays to be safe
Kiwi: No fat men are gonna rape Kiwi's bum
Liz: Yeah, I heard that can be painful
Kiwi: Kiwi wouldn't know
Liz: Me neither. It just sounds painful.
Lightning Round-
Liz: What would you do for a Klondike Bar?
Kiwi: Kill a man in Reno
Kiwi: (Just call this bit the Lightening round)
Liz: Alright, brb first
Kiwi: 'kk
Kiwi: Yer status message thing makes Kiwi think of "The Devil Went Down to Georgia"
Liz: Back. And really?
Kiwi: Yep, "Bet you didn't know it"
Kiwi: Then Kiwi sees you announcing that you are a fiddle player
Liz: lol
Liz: Never played a fiddle
Kiwi: Oh
Liz: Wanted to try it though
Kiwi: Become the Devil
Kiwi: Then you can do it
Liz: Yeah
Liz: I wonder how the world would handle a female Devil though
Kiwi: Who says the original isn't?
Liz: Good point.
Kiwi: Anyway, ask away
Liz: Ok. Hot or Cold weather?
Kiwi: Hot
Liz: Killing Spree or Shopping Spree?
Kiwi: Killing spree then using the stolen money for a shopping spree
Liz: Top or Bottom?
Kiwi: Top
Liz: Kill or Be Killed?
Kiwi: Kill, of course
Liz: beef or pork?
Kiwi: BEEF
Liz: Cat or Dog?
Kiwi: Dog
Liz: AIM or MSN?
Kiwi: MSN
Liz: Bacon or Sausage?
Kiwi: Bacon
Liz: How do you like your eggs?
Kiwi: Served with a cup of the blood of the innocent
Kiwi: Or a scrambled in a sandwich
Liz: Both sound... yummy
Liz: Wiki or Grave?
Kiwi: What about'em?
Liz: Which one do you like more?
Kiwi: The morbid one
Liz: Ok.
Liz: Favorite color?
Kiwi: Kiwi has his left ring finger stuck in a Russian Coke bottle
Kiwi: Red
Liz: How did you get it stuck?
Kiwi: By inserting the finger into the bottle
Liz: But why do that?
Kiwi: Kiwi dunno
Kiwi: To challange communist glass?
Liz: Looks like the glass is winning
Kiwi: It's free either way
Kiwi: Soviet bottle has been defeated
Liz: Ah
Kiwi: Is dat all the questions?
Liz: I'm thinking of a few more
Kiwi: 'kk
Kiwi: This would take a while to edit, Kiwi imagines
Liz: Well, not any longer than normal, I guess.
Liz: I just fix the names and organize the stuff
Kiwi: Ah
Liz: >.> It's not hard work. For me, it's thinking of cool things to ask
Liz: Oh, corn dogs or hot dogs?
Kiwi: hot dog
Liz: Boxers or briefs?
Kiwi: Kiwi would say boxers since that's the only thing he's wearing
Liz: o.o Indeed...
Liz: Feel comfortable to talk to someone in just your boxers?
Kiwi: Well, Kiwi doesn't feel awkward doing it
Kiwi: Now if you were at Kiwi's front door...
Liz: I'd hope you would be dressed
Kiwi: Kiwi most likely would
Liz: Ok, younger or older?
Kiwi: With three pairs of pants
Liz: Three pairs?
Kiwi: Yes
Kiwi: Kiwi cannot adequately answer your question as younger would probably set Kiwi up as a pedo, and older would be interpreted as senior citzen
Liz: lol, I mean as in when dating do you prefer someone a year younger or a year older?
Kiwi: Why would it matter?
Liz: It's something to ask
Kiwi: Kiwi doesn't know what the age of consent here is so he isn't sure he can say younger
Liz: Let's say the age is 16
Kiwi: The whole age thing was just a way of skirting around the fact that Kiwi dunno
Liz: Ok ok
Liz: Hair color preference?
Kiwi: Invisible
Kiwi: Because that would be awesome
Kiwi: And it would be glow in the dark
Liz: That would be awesome
Kiwi: Extremely
Liz: Microsoft or Sony?
Kiwi: Microsoft
Liz: Jedis or Sith Lords?
Kiwi: Jedi, if only because Sith Lords are pansies who don't know self restraint
Liz: day or night?
Kiwi: Night
Liz: Probing aliens or being probe by aliens?
Kiwi: What the?
Kiwi: Uhhh....
Liz: I'm not talking sexually
Kiwi: Still
Kiwi: Hit the big red button and see what it does
Liz: Red wire or green wire?
Kiwi: Green wire, because they would know that everyone picks the red wire so they change I up
Kiwi: *it
Liz: Superman or Batman?
Kiwi: Batman
Liz: I guess that's all I can think of.
Kiwi: Here's one for you
Liz: Ok
Kiwi: A K.G.B. Operative approaches
Liz: Yeah
Kiwi: How do you handle it: Wicked Awesome Guitar Solo of Communist Slaying, or the Jumping Jesus Slap of Doom?
Liz: Hmm... Depends. Is the Operative armed?
Kiwi: Doesn't matter
Kiwi: If you do it right the Jesusness will protect you
Liz: Well, I'll go with the Jumping Jesus Slap of Doom
Kiwi: Will you shout out "REPENT" when you slap'im?
Liz: Yep
Kiwi: Alright then
Kiwi: So that's it?
Liz: Yep.
Kiwi: Fair enough
Liz: If you like, I can interview you again later on or you can bug Grave to interview you as well.
Kiwi: Kiwi needs to get some sleep anyway
Liz: Same here.
Liz: It's kinda late
Kiwi: If either of you likes you can
Kiwi: Dun matter to Kiwi
Liz: Alrighty.
Kiwi: Ya
Liz: Thank you for letting me interview you
Kiwi: No problem
Kiwi: 'Twas a pleasure
Liz: Same here
And this wraps up yet another interview. I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did interviewing Kiwi.
General Information-
Liz: Evening Kiwi. How are you doing?
Kiwi: Kiwi is fine
Liz: Could you tell everyone a little something about you?
Kiwi: Just know that there is only a 10% chance of truthful answers
Liz: That's fine. As long as you have fun with the interview, that's all that matters
Kiwi: Hmmmm.... Kiwi speaks in the third person, likes history, guns, and shiny objects
Liz: Shiny objects? Like coins and such?
Kiwi: And other things
Liz: What happens to be your favorite gun? And how many do you own in real life?
Kiwi: Shotgun, definitely, and Kiwi owns none
Liz: Any plans on getting one?
Kiwi: At some point in time
Liz: Care to tell us what your favorite video games are?
Kiwi: Halo (original is best), Team Fortress 2, Dawn of War, System Shock 2, couple others Kiwi can't think of...
Liz: So you prefer the shooting genre?
Kiwi: That and strategy, even if thinking makes Kiwi's brain hurts
Liz: Well, they say thinking is good for people.
Liz: What kind of music do you like?
Kiwi: Everything, except rap
Liz: Got any favorite songs you listen to?
Kiwi: That's worth about 2 pages or so of songs some of them is Homeworld by Yes, Mr. Fancy Pants, Banana Man, Eye of the Tiger, Never Gonna Give You Up, and a bunch of others
Kiwi: Favorite Band is Sabaton though
Liz: What makes you like Sabaton more than the rest?
Kiwi: Hmmmm, probably the biggest is the lyrics. A lot of their songs are about specific battles and such in history.
Liz: Cool. Which song would you recommend to a new listener of them?
Kiwi: Hmmm, that's a tough one....
Kiwi: Probably Speeder, as that is among Kiwi's favorites
Liz: So, who do you want to become the next President: Obama, McCain, or _______ (fill in the blank)?
Kiwi: A bunch of people on Kiwi's friends list performed a mass cult suicide
Kiwi: Ron Paul
Kiwi: Or Megatron
Kiwi: Or MegatRon Paul
Liz: Whoa
Kiwi: (Though Kiwi has to admit he didn't make up MegatRon Paul)
Liz: Oh
Liz: Who did?
Kiwi: Some dude
Liz: Oh
Kiwi: But Kiwi thinks neither McCain or Obama are suited for the task
Liz: Do you think they'll do worse than Bush?
Kiwi: Maybe
Kiwi: Only history will really be able to tell if George Bush was truly the bad president he is made out to be
Liz: Yeah, and by then, will it really matter to us? We'll probably be dead.
Kiwi: Kiwi would say at least 10-15 years before we can be sure
Liz: Unless the world ends. Do you believe in that thoery?
Liz: *theory
Kiwi: 2012, Mayan Calander, astroid attack, and all that?
Liz: Yeah
Kiwi: It might happen then, might not
Kiwi: But Kiwi isn't gonna bank on it
Liz: So, you like to take things as they come along?
Kiwi: To some degree
Kiwi: Life is enough of a reason for living and all that
Liz: I agree.
Kiwi: Though Kiwi would love to see the fate of the world come down to a break dancing contest
Kiwi: Or a game of space invaders
Liz: How about mud wrestling? Or a baby eating contest? As you seem to like baby food
Kiwi: Hmmm...
Kiwi: Definitely space invaders
Kiwi: A single tank/cannon/base on wheels against floating seafood
Liz: lol
Liz: That would be fun to watch
Kiwi: Exactly
Kiwi: End the world with a spectacle
Liz: Best way to go out
Kiwi: But they have to make the noises
Kiwi: At least the seafood does
Liz: What kind of noises? slushy ones?
Kiwi: The noises they make in the old arcade game as they move
Liz: Ah, that would be better
Kiwi: Because it is a good impending doom noise, but we can still laugh at the low quality
Liz: As long as the graphics aren't low quality
Kiwi: But that would take away the charm!
Kiwi: Either way works
Liz: What's your favorite food?
Kiwi: Mealwise: Meat and taters, A1 on the meat. Snack: Popcorn with extra butter, heart-stopping goodness right there. Drinkwise: Coffee
Kiwi: Kiwi must have rolled a 1 when he did his deceptive mood check as Kiwi hasn't been lying...
Liz: Well, that's a good thing for me.
Liz: And what kind of taters? Fried, baked, steamed?
Kiwi: Any of those work
Kiwi: Except potato salad
Liz: Why not?
Kiwi: Waste of good spuds
Kiwi: 'Cause it's nasty
Liz: Don't like mayo?
Kiwi: Nope, makes Kiwi ill
Kiwi: Except some Miracle Whip in sandwiches
Liz: Miracle Whip is kinda tangy, I think.
Kiwi: It doesn't make Kiwi ill
Kiwi: That's what matters
Liz: True true.
Fallen Knights Refuge-
Liz: So, could you tell us your thoughts on Fallen Knights Refuge?
Kiwi: It's decent enough
Liz: Any improvements you think need to be made?
Kiwi: Not enough out there or random topics for Kiwi's liking
Kiwi: And people actually posting
Kiwi: In interesting topics
Liz: What kind of random topics would you like to see on there?
Kiwi: The random kind
Liz: Like, one about which are better hot dogs or corn dogs?
Kiwi: No, like, "Kiwi hit a rock with a hammer and it made a spark"
Liz: Ah, well that is random.
Liz: And would make a great topic
Kiwi: Exactly
Kiwi: which is the point
Liz: We'll have to make more topics like that.
Kiwi: Yes, you lot should
Liz: So, your thoughts on the staff?
Kiwi: You are fine, that Grave person comes off as too much of a pansy, and Kiwi can't recall any others
Liz: There's Venom and Crazy K
Kiwi: They are generic
Liz: :/ I reckon it's better than being non-existant
Kiwi: they should be more noticeable and different as generic people get mocked where Kiwi comes from
Liz: A lot of people get mocked despite how unique they are
Kiwi: More fun when they aren't generic though
Liz: This is true.
Liz: Do you like the memberbase on FKR?
Kiwi: You ever heard of the idea that there are some personalities that have been copied and can be found anywhere?
Liz: Yeah, do you think that's the case on the forum?
Kiwi: Couple people
Kiwi: Remind Kiwi a lot of people he's seen elsewhere
Liz: On other forums and such?
Kiwi: Of course
Liz: Do they act like people you don't like? Or are they still likable?
Kiwi: Though that might be partly due to Kiwi not bothering to pay much attention
Kiwi: Eh, most are neutral. One or two Kiwi doesn't like.
Liz: Well, ignoring those might be the best course of action.
Kiwi: That's what Kiwi does
Kiwi: Or laugh at them
Liz: I guess you could do worse to them.
Kiwi: Eat their children
Liz: Yep
Liz: That's a no-no.
Kiwi: Mmmm.... babies
Kiwi: Some A1 on'em
Liz: :/ I don't think that's approved here
Kiwi: Good thing Kiwi ain't seeking approval
Kiwi: Just a good sandwich
Liz: A BBQ one?
Kiwi: If those B's mean baby, then yes
Liz: Well, a BBQB sandwich then
Kiwi: Baby Baby something starting with Q Baby sandwich
Kiwi: Kiwi hates real BBQ too sweet
Liz: Oh, some places make it spicy
Kiwi: Eh, not a huge spicy fan
Fallen Knights Fanzine-
Liz: So, what do you think about the Fanzine?
Kiwi: It's decent
Kiwi: Somethings are interesting
Kiwi: Some aren't
Liz: Favorite article?
Kiwi: Whatever Kiwi made
In all serious, Kiwi doesn't have one.
Liz: Do you have one that stands out?
Kiwi: If Kiwi did, that would be his favorite.
Liz: lol, good.
Liz: Even though I know it's just because you like yourself a lot.
Liz: Nothing wrong with that.
Kiwi: What?
Liz: Liking yourself.
Liz: It's good to think highly of one's self.
Kiwi: What makes you say dat?
Kiwi: Kiwi would punch himself if he ever met himself
Kiwi: Get on Kiwi's nerves he would
Liz: Well, if you constantly rag on yourself and think less of yourself, it leads people to thinking less of you. And you'll get nowhere in life.
Liz: Nah, Kiwi... I think you'd get along with yourself if you ever met
Kiwi: Kiwi would like to know where people get these crazy ideas that Kiwi is a narcisst (however that is spelled) or hates himself.
Liz: I don't know. I can't see someone like you hating yourself.
Kiwi: Must be Kiwi's stunning personality and sweet dance moves
Liz: lmao
Liz: It could be.
Kiwi: Can't be the third person speak.
Liz: Actually, that makes you stand out.
Kiwi: Exactly, means only an idiot would forget Kiwi's name
Liz: True.
Liz: So, who is your closest friend on the forum?
Kiwi: Kiwi hasn't really talked to anyone there outside of the forum
Kiwi: Except Kiwi's waifu, Kazyen.
Liz: So, Kazyen then? How did you met her?
Kiwi: Anotha forum
Liz: Was it Wiki's old one?
Kiwi: Oh no, before that.
Liz: Ah, cool.
Kiwi: She was the reason Kiwi went thar anyway
Kiwi: Actually, Kiwi thinks it was the first place Kiwi saw him too
Liz: So, what do you think about the stories people have written on FKR? And do you think yours is as great as people tell you it is?
Kiwi: Wait, people say it's great? Since when?
Liz: Well, I think it's extremely well written and funny to boot
Kiwi: Why tank you.
Liz: No prob.
Kiwi: Reminds Kiwi he needs to finish up the first part of the next one and type it up...
Liz: Maybe you'll let us put it in the Fanzine?
Kiwi: If you lot really want to do that. Any legal problems that come up are yers
Liz: >.> I'll shift the blame to Grave.
Kiwi: That works
Kiwi: (Any copyrighted characters or material belong to their respective owners, don't sue, plzkthnx)
Liz: I'll make sure to place that in the post before I add it to the fanzine
Kiwi: That seems safe
Liz: Yep. Gotta cover our asses.
Kiwi: Which is why Kiwi always carries a Rear Guard
Liz: Pays to be safe
Kiwi: No fat men are gonna rape Kiwi's bum
Liz: Yeah, I heard that can be painful
Kiwi: Kiwi wouldn't know
Liz: Me neither. It just sounds painful.
Lightning Round-
Liz: What would you do for a Klondike Bar?
Kiwi: Kill a man in Reno
Kiwi: (Just call this bit the Lightening round)
Liz: Alright, brb first
Kiwi: 'kk
Kiwi: Yer status message thing makes Kiwi think of "The Devil Went Down to Georgia"
Liz: Back. And really?
Kiwi: Yep, "Bet you didn't know it"
Kiwi: Then Kiwi sees you announcing that you are a fiddle player
Liz: lol
Liz: Never played a fiddle
Kiwi: Oh
Liz: Wanted to try it though
Kiwi: Become the Devil
Kiwi: Then you can do it
Liz: Yeah
Liz: I wonder how the world would handle a female Devil though
Kiwi: Who says the original isn't?
Liz: Good point.
Kiwi: Anyway, ask away
Liz: Ok. Hot or Cold weather?
Kiwi: Hot
Liz: Killing Spree or Shopping Spree?
Kiwi: Killing spree then using the stolen money for a shopping spree
Liz: Top or Bottom?
Kiwi: Top
Liz: Kill or Be Killed?
Kiwi: Kill, of course
Liz: beef or pork?
Kiwi: BEEF
Liz: Cat or Dog?
Kiwi: Dog
Liz: AIM or MSN?
Kiwi: MSN
Liz: Bacon or Sausage?
Kiwi: Bacon
Liz: How do you like your eggs?
Kiwi: Served with a cup of the blood of the innocent
Kiwi: Or a scrambled in a sandwich
Liz: Both sound... yummy
Liz: Wiki or Grave?
Kiwi: What about'em?
Liz: Which one do you like more?
Kiwi: The morbid one
Liz: Ok.
Liz: Favorite color?
Kiwi: Kiwi has his left ring finger stuck in a Russian Coke bottle
Kiwi: Red
Liz: How did you get it stuck?
Kiwi: By inserting the finger into the bottle
Liz: But why do that?
Kiwi: Kiwi dunno
Kiwi: To challange communist glass?
Liz: Looks like the glass is winning
Kiwi: It's free either way
Kiwi: Soviet bottle has been defeated
Liz: Ah
Kiwi: Is dat all the questions?
Liz: I'm thinking of a few more
Kiwi: 'kk
Kiwi: This would take a while to edit, Kiwi imagines
Liz: Well, not any longer than normal, I guess.
Liz: I just fix the names and organize the stuff
Kiwi: Ah
Liz: >.> It's not hard work. For me, it's thinking of cool things to ask
Liz: Oh, corn dogs or hot dogs?
Kiwi: hot dog
Liz: Boxers or briefs?
Kiwi: Kiwi would say boxers since that's the only thing he's wearing
Liz: o.o Indeed...
Liz: Feel comfortable to talk to someone in just your boxers?
Kiwi: Well, Kiwi doesn't feel awkward doing it
Kiwi: Now if you were at Kiwi's front door...
Liz: I'd hope you would be dressed
Kiwi: Kiwi most likely would
Liz: Ok, younger or older?
Kiwi: With three pairs of pants
Liz: Three pairs?
Kiwi: Yes
Kiwi: Kiwi cannot adequately answer your question as younger would probably set Kiwi up as a pedo, and older would be interpreted as senior citzen
Liz: lol, I mean as in when dating do you prefer someone a year younger or a year older?
Kiwi: Why would it matter?
Liz: It's something to ask
Kiwi: Kiwi doesn't know what the age of consent here is so he isn't sure he can say younger
Liz: Let's say the age is 16
Kiwi: The whole age thing was just a way of skirting around the fact that Kiwi dunno
Liz: Ok ok
Liz: Hair color preference?
Kiwi: Invisible
Kiwi: Because that would be awesome
Kiwi: And it would be glow in the dark
Liz: That would be awesome
Kiwi: Extremely
Liz: Microsoft or Sony?
Kiwi: Microsoft
Liz: Jedis or Sith Lords?
Kiwi: Jedi, if only because Sith Lords are pansies who don't know self restraint
Liz: day or night?
Kiwi: Night
Liz: Probing aliens or being probe by aliens?
Kiwi: What the?
Kiwi: Uhhh....
Liz: I'm not talking sexually
Kiwi: Still
Kiwi: Hit the big red button and see what it does
Liz: Red wire or green wire?
Kiwi: Green wire, because they would know that everyone picks the red wire so they change I up
Kiwi: *it
Liz: Superman or Batman?
Kiwi: Batman
Liz: I guess that's all I can think of.
Kiwi: Here's one for you
Liz: Ok
Kiwi: A K.G.B. Operative approaches
Liz: Yeah
Kiwi: How do you handle it: Wicked Awesome Guitar Solo of Communist Slaying, or the Jumping Jesus Slap of Doom?
Liz: Hmm... Depends. Is the Operative armed?
Kiwi: Doesn't matter
Kiwi: If you do it right the Jesusness will protect you
Liz: Well, I'll go with the Jumping Jesus Slap of Doom
Kiwi: Will you shout out "REPENT" when you slap'im?
Liz: Yep
Kiwi: Alright then
Kiwi: So that's it?
Liz: Yep.
Kiwi: Fair enough
Liz: If you like, I can interview you again later on or you can bug Grave to interview you as well.
Kiwi: Kiwi needs to get some sleep anyway
Liz: Same here.
Liz: It's kinda late
Kiwi: If either of you likes you can
Kiwi: Dun matter to Kiwi
Liz: Alrighty.
Kiwi: Ya
Liz: Thank you for letting me interview you
Kiwi: No problem
Kiwi: 'Twas a pleasure
Liz: Same here
And this wraps up yet another interview. I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did interviewing Kiwi.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Dead Space review
In Space, no one can hear you scream..except aliens..and stuff.

One of the most anticipated titles of the year, Dead Space, finally hit stores on
October 14th, 2008. Fans of survival horror have been highly anticipating (or loathing, depending on your opinions of the publisher) EA's first foray into the genre. Winning Best of awards at E3 put this title up to some lofty expectations, and I'm happy to say that the game completely lives up to the hype. With the perfect mix of survival horror along with incredible graphics, insanely good sound effects and voice acting, and a compelling story, you're more than getting your money's worth when you decide to finally play this spectacular title.
Graphics - 9/10

Call me a jerk, but the only thing restricting me from rating this higher is that it relies on dark environments, which look fantastic. With that out of the way, the first thing you'll notice is the incredible quality placed on every single thing you encounter. The game loads with the player in a chair, in control of the main character Isaac while a few other crew members discussing the mission. From this moment, you get to see how much time the development team spent working on the environment, using bump mapping, specular lighting, incredible models, lifelike character design, the detail on the faces and so much more. For fans of it, there's even a lens flare that occurs if you tilt the camera to a certain angle. Somehow, that was one of the most jaw dropping moments to me. The thing that's more incredible however is that even though you spend most of your journey on on spaceship (or as the game calls them, a planetcrasher), each room has its own sense of life about it. The bulk of the journey takes you through different chapters, each showcasing a new location on the ship, but you never feel like you're just walking through just another corridor. Even when it comes to the short, almost forgetable hallways, you'll quickly find yourself easily distinguishing which environments you've already visited and which ones are completely new. The next area of the graphics that needs to be covered is how much detail has gone into the mutants/aliens that you face, along with your crew, corpses, etc. The game does tend to recycle the corpses that you come across, but that's completely forgivable considering that they're just decals, even if you can interact with them. Isaac himself sports this really unique look that really captures the feeling of you just being a human instead of one of the steroid injected characters from a game like Gears of War, or the weaker people from Resident Evil or Silent Hill. It's a nice touch that all of the inventories, shops, etc use an in game holographic effect, meaning that while you're looking through them, you could move the right stick and notice that the menus rotate, inhibiting your view, but further immersing the player in the experience as you notice that Isaac is completely engrossed in them. Every single monster that the player encounters though they have basic types, all feel different and look incredibly threatening.
Sound – 10/10.

The sound quality in this game is simply amazing. I’ve been using a 5.1 speaker setup, and it makes ridiculously good use of it. The environmental sounds are absolutely marvelous, especially when it comes to truly immersing the player in the feeling of being trapped above an eerie abandoned space craft, occasionally throwing out subtle sounds out there just to mess with your head, such as a chair falling down behind you, or the buzzing electric sound from a malfunctioning light. What’s more important is the shrieks of the enemies, each one creative and helping the player to detect how threatened they should be at any given moment when you hear a howl down the hallway. You can even detect how close your opponent is from the sound of their footsteps, and if they’ve noticed you yet or not. Another impressive touch is how, at least if you’re using a quality sound setup, when you least expect it, you can almost hear the dull roar of engines, or the lurching sound of an elevator in the distance because of the perfect balance between the bass and treble. As previously mentioned, the voice acting is done fantastically, from the audio logs of a frightened, now dead crew member, to the actors and actresses that voice the important characters in the story. Forget the days of B-movie acting, this game helps to set a new precedent in the genre that others are going to have a hard time following. Aside from that, the only other thing worth noting is how distinct each weapon you gain sounds from each other, which helps to determine one from another aside from the obvious rate of fire and power differences.
Controls – 10/10.

This is the department that plagues many survival horror games. Some studios, such as Capcom, have this belief that controlling like a tank helps to immerse the player in the experience, which I feel is completely untrue after playing this game. Dead Space takes the groundbreaking RE4 control scheme and adds a bit of it’s own flare to give you a feeling that you’re in control of your experience, leaving you to fight the mutants and not the controls. The most useful thing of all is the fact that using the left stick controls your movement, with just as any modern game does, but the most creative thing in my opinion is the fact that rotating the right stick rotates the camera. Keep in mind that this is a third person game, so it’s a bit different from the experience provided in FPS games. Rotating the camera literally rotates it around Isaac, allowing you to view him from different angles, which is a bit confusing at first but quickly begins to feel natural. Keeping the left sticks function in mind, if you wish to move around to a certain location, you rotate the camera and continue to move forward, which becomes useful because not only does it help you to prepare to strafe around a corner, but it also allows you to keep an eye out for any sneaky enemies approaching from behind. Aside from the obvious guns that the player earns, which uses the standard 3rd person combat control scheme (hold a button to aim and press another to fire), you’ve also got two extra powers, kinesis and stasis, which are simple to use (aim and tap another button), while in zero g environments, you aim and tap yet another button to fly towards another location. There’s a button to access the inventory, and another to use any medical kit that you have, keeping you from having to constantly draw up the screen.
Gameplay – 9/10

I must say, I was pleasantly surprised by how enjoyable of a game this was. While at first the controls were a little off putting, due to them being a hybrid of first and third person styles, I quickly found myself swapping out to the appropriate weapon, using stasis and kinesis, while using health packs when I was low on hp. While the game does have you on board of a desolate craft, it keeps the gameplay and storyline engaging enough, which helps to alleviate that feeling of dread that holds back some people from playing the game and prevents the story from dragging. Even though I kept up with the information surrounding the title, I was completely surprised by the fact that the game had an rpg element, in the form of upgrading your suit, powers and weapons, which is highly dependent on credits found in the environment. Something this game quickly teaches the player is that in order to be highly successful, you don’t need every single weapon, you could use one or two, along with your powers and proper inventory management and finish the game with ease. Going back to the entire inventory management, this ties into the upgrade system, which allows the player to increase the slots available to them in the inventory by finding upgrade schematics hidden along the ship, then saving enough credits to level up your rig. To sum up how I feel about all of that, I was amazed at how well they managed to implement all of those elements without ruining the survival feel of the game. Knowing that you might have to sacrifice some air tanks in order to stock up on health and ammo truly makes you consider what type of challenges could be lurking around the corner. I would also like to bring something that actually stood out to me about the game, which… I’m not sure is a good thing or a bad thing. The save points in the world are spaced out so that, while you could backtrack to find one, if you keep pressing your way through, you seem to come across another one every 15 minutes. While it was useful, I found it very odd. For those who don’t want to save, the game also has a checkpoint system in place that allows you to resume from what equates to the beginning of the challenge that you just came up against. The storyline is compelling and has an interesting wrap-up, which could possibly leave the game open to a sequel.
Overall – 9/10

Dead Space is a must have. The total game takes about 12-15 hours on the normal difficulty, which upon completion awards you with different items and another difficulty, allowing you to go back into the game more powerful. The graphics and sound come together to create an experience that you wouldn’t have a problem showing a non-gamer, while the action is frequent enough to keep both the player and their onlookers engaged. The storyline is fantastic, especially for survival horror that’s in space, so that’s definitely worth a mention. The only reason I would count off is that there is a plot twist that actually made me sit there and stare for a moment, not in shock but because I couldn’t believe the game took that direction, and there’s a few moments at the end of the game, especially the last boss that I felt could have been more engaging. Overall, I’m completely happy with my purchase and can easily see myself going back through it again before the end of the year, and I would highly advise any gamers, hardcore or not to pick it up.

One of the most anticipated titles of the year, Dead Space, finally hit stores on
October 14th, 2008. Fans of survival horror have been highly anticipating (or loathing, depending on your opinions of the publisher) EA's first foray into the genre. Winning Best of awards at E3 put this title up to some lofty expectations, and I'm happy to say that the game completely lives up to the hype. With the perfect mix of survival horror along with incredible graphics, insanely good sound effects and voice acting, and a compelling story, you're more than getting your money's worth when you decide to finally play this spectacular title.
Graphics - 9/10

Call me a jerk, but the only thing restricting me from rating this higher is that it relies on dark environments, which look fantastic. With that out of the way, the first thing you'll notice is the incredible quality placed on every single thing you encounter. The game loads with the player in a chair, in control of the main character Isaac while a few other crew members discussing the mission. From this moment, you get to see how much time the development team spent working on the environment, using bump mapping, specular lighting, incredible models, lifelike character design, the detail on the faces and so much more. For fans of it, there's even a lens flare that occurs if you tilt the camera to a certain angle. Somehow, that was one of the most jaw dropping moments to me. The thing that's more incredible however is that even though you spend most of your journey on on spaceship (or as the game calls them, a planetcrasher), each room has its own sense of life about it. The bulk of the journey takes you through different chapters, each showcasing a new location on the ship, but you never feel like you're just walking through just another corridor. Even when it comes to the short, almost forgetable hallways, you'll quickly find yourself easily distinguishing which environments you've already visited and which ones are completely new. The next area of the graphics that needs to be covered is how much detail has gone into the mutants/aliens that you face, along with your crew, corpses, etc. The game does tend to recycle the corpses that you come across, but that's completely forgivable considering that they're just decals, even if you can interact with them. Isaac himself sports this really unique look that really captures the feeling of you just being a human instead of one of the steroid injected characters from a game like Gears of War, or the weaker people from Resident Evil or Silent Hill. It's a nice touch that all of the inventories, shops, etc use an in game holographic effect, meaning that while you're looking through them, you could move the right stick and notice that the menus rotate, inhibiting your view, but further immersing the player in the experience as you notice that Isaac is completely engrossed in them. Every single monster that the player encounters though they have basic types, all feel different and look incredibly threatening.
Sound – 10/10.

The sound quality in this game is simply amazing. I’ve been using a 5.1 speaker setup, and it makes ridiculously good use of it. The environmental sounds are absolutely marvelous, especially when it comes to truly immersing the player in the feeling of being trapped above an eerie abandoned space craft, occasionally throwing out subtle sounds out there just to mess with your head, such as a chair falling down behind you, or the buzzing electric sound from a malfunctioning light. What’s more important is the shrieks of the enemies, each one creative and helping the player to detect how threatened they should be at any given moment when you hear a howl down the hallway. You can even detect how close your opponent is from the sound of their footsteps, and if they’ve noticed you yet or not. Another impressive touch is how, at least if you’re using a quality sound setup, when you least expect it, you can almost hear the dull roar of engines, or the lurching sound of an elevator in the distance because of the perfect balance between the bass and treble. As previously mentioned, the voice acting is done fantastically, from the audio logs of a frightened, now dead crew member, to the actors and actresses that voice the important characters in the story. Forget the days of B-movie acting, this game helps to set a new precedent in the genre that others are going to have a hard time following. Aside from that, the only other thing worth noting is how distinct each weapon you gain sounds from each other, which helps to determine one from another aside from the obvious rate of fire and power differences.
Controls – 10/10.

This is the department that plagues many survival horror games. Some studios, such as Capcom, have this belief that controlling like a tank helps to immerse the player in the experience, which I feel is completely untrue after playing this game. Dead Space takes the groundbreaking RE4 control scheme and adds a bit of it’s own flare to give you a feeling that you’re in control of your experience, leaving you to fight the mutants and not the controls. The most useful thing of all is the fact that using the left stick controls your movement, with just as any modern game does, but the most creative thing in my opinion is the fact that rotating the right stick rotates the camera. Keep in mind that this is a third person game, so it’s a bit different from the experience provided in FPS games. Rotating the camera literally rotates it around Isaac, allowing you to view him from different angles, which is a bit confusing at first but quickly begins to feel natural. Keeping the left sticks function in mind, if you wish to move around to a certain location, you rotate the camera and continue to move forward, which becomes useful because not only does it help you to prepare to strafe around a corner, but it also allows you to keep an eye out for any sneaky enemies approaching from behind. Aside from the obvious guns that the player earns, which uses the standard 3rd person combat control scheme (hold a button to aim and press another to fire), you’ve also got two extra powers, kinesis and stasis, which are simple to use (aim and tap another button), while in zero g environments, you aim and tap yet another button to fly towards another location. There’s a button to access the inventory, and another to use any medical kit that you have, keeping you from having to constantly draw up the screen.
Gameplay – 9/10

I must say, I was pleasantly surprised by how enjoyable of a game this was. While at first the controls were a little off putting, due to them being a hybrid of first and third person styles, I quickly found myself swapping out to the appropriate weapon, using stasis and kinesis, while using health packs when I was low on hp. While the game does have you on board of a desolate craft, it keeps the gameplay and storyline engaging enough, which helps to alleviate that feeling of dread that holds back some people from playing the game and prevents the story from dragging. Even though I kept up with the information surrounding the title, I was completely surprised by the fact that the game had an rpg element, in the form of upgrading your suit, powers and weapons, which is highly dependent on credits found in the environment. Something this game quickly teaches the player is that in order to be highly successful, you don’t need every single weapon, you could use one or two, along with your powers and proper inventory management and finish the game with ease. Going back to the entire inventory management, this ties into the upgrade system, which allows the player to increase the slots available to them in the inventory by finding upgrade schematics hidden along the ship, then saving enough credits to level up your rig. To sum up how I feel about all of that, I was amazed at how well they managed to implement all of those elements without ruining the survival feel of the game. Knowing that you might have to sacrifice some air tanks in order to stock up on health and ammo truly makes you consider what type of challenges could be lurking around the corner. I would also like to bring something that actually stood out to me about the game, which… I’m not sure is a good thing or a bad thing. The save points in the world are spaced out so that, while you could backtrack to find one, if you keep pressing your way through, you seem to come across another one every 15 minutes. While it was useful, I found it very odd. For those who don’t want to save, the game also has a checkpoint system in place that allows you to resume from what equates to the beginning of the challenge that you just came up against. The storyline is compelling and has an interesting wrap-up, which could possibly leave the game open to a sequel.
Overall – 9/10

Dead Space is a must have. The total game takes about 12-15 hours on the normal difficulty, which upon completion awards you with different items and another difficulty, allowing you to go back into the game more powerful. The graphics and sound come together to create an experience that you wouldn’t have a problem showing a non-gamer, while the action is frequent enough to keep both the player and their onlookers engaged. The storyline is fantastic, especially for survival horror that’s in space, so that’s definitely worth a mention. The only reason I would count off is that there is a plot twist that actually made me sit there and stare for a moment, not in shock but because I couldn’t believe the game took that direction, and there’s a few moments at the end of the game, especially the last boss that I felt could have been more engaging. Overall, I’m completely happy with my purchase and can easily see myself going back through it again before the end of the year, and I would highly advise any gamers, hardcore or not to pick it up.
Atele Devotate interview by LoC
Kat or Atele Devotate as she is known at Fallen Knights Refuge is a well known and respected member at a number of different forums, including Fallen Knights Refuge most importantly. The Following is an interview I have conducted with Kat recently, and I hope that you enjoy it! As usual, this will be broken down into sections for easier reading.
General Information:
LoC : anyway, let's start off with the basics. How are you today Kat?
Kat: I'm doing well, a bit tired though. I only got 6 hours of sleep.
LoC : yeah, something like 4-5 hours myself.
Kat: That's brutal.
LoC : I went to bed around 4 A.M, and was out of bed around 9 AM. Anyway , tell us a bit about yourself!
LoC: you know, your favorite games,movies etc. your hobbies, etc.
Kat: Well, I'm 20. I spend probably most of the day online, the other part of the day spending time with Chris. I would go into my favorite movies and games, but that might take a while.
Let's just say, I love any movie with Johnny Depp or Brad Pitt in it, and I'm mostly addicted to any Mario game that comes out.
LoC : Good answers, and Johnny Depp has a good track-record for films! Do you
have any particular favorite game series or music albums you like? You could name off a few, doesn't have to be everything if you don't want . Also, any favorite genre of movies?
Kat: Well, for games, I love the Super Mario series, along with Sonic, and most of the Final Fantasy games. The Grand Theft Auto series is extremely fun too.
LoC: Mario is cool, Sonic sucked after Genesis, first 6 Final Fantasy games ruled,
and GTA got boring after II. All in my opinion anyway,but thanks for sharing your opinions as well. Any others to add?
Kat: Well, instead of albums, because they usually skip my mind, I'll just list my top five favorite bands: Fall Out Boy, Panic At The Disco, Venom, Gamma Ray, and Dragonforce. As for
movie genres, I usually enjoy comedy and romance films the most, with horror following second.
LoC: Venom and Gamma Ray are awesome, and DF is tolerable in small doses.PaTD and Fall Out Boy aren't my bag at all though. Anyway let's move on to questions about the forum and Fanzine.
Kat: Alright.
Fallen Knights Refuge:
LoC : How did you first discover Fallen Knights Refuge?
Kat: Well, over at Chaos Refuge(the precursor of Fallen Knights Refuge), LoC mentioned how he wanted to make a different forum for posting and make Chaos Refuge into an RP forum. After making the new forum, I quickly joined it as well.
LoC: And then shortly afterwards, Chaos Refuge was more or less killed or
succeeded by Fallen Knights Refuge. Still do wanna have an RP at FKR though!
Kat: I would enjoy it if we did have one.
LoC: yeah, a lot of people seem interested so I think we'll do it eventually. Anyway, how are you
enjoying your time at FKR?
Kat: Well, if I didn't enjoy it, I wouldn't have recommended Drew join, lol. But really, I like it. The people there are extremely friendly, and even though I've known most of them from
WF, a lot I didn't know, and I enjoy posting with them. Even Kiwi.
LoC: I like the crowd we have at FKR, and i've known many of them for quite a
long time now. So yeah...I agree. So,what are your favorite
and least favorite parts about the forum, and do you have any ideas on how to make it even better?
Kat: My favorite part about the forum is how easily everyone posts together. They just post as if they've known each other for years, and I like that. I also love the Army thing and the
arcade. Anyway, I really don't have any problems with FKR, minus the lack of posting. But FKR's come so far in just four months. I can just imagine how well it'll be in let's say, another four months.
LoC: Thank you, and I have to say i'm pretty satisfied with how far things have come so
far. Anyway, how good of a job do you think the staff does at running the place? Also, do
you have any particular favorite threads or sections that stand out to you?
Kat: I think the staff does a great job with running FKR,and I personally love all the "write
works" threads, as it's always fun to read/look at things that the members do themselves.
Fallen Knights Fanzine:
LoC: Now let's ask some Fanzine related questions: First of all, are you already a
reader and what are your thoughts about it if so?
Kat: Yes, I'm already a reader. I've enjoyed most of the articles I've read, but especially the Metallica, Nintendo, Panic At The Disco, and The Dark Knight ones. But anyway I think the Fanzine is doing well, and I would be intrigued to read more of it.
LoC: glad to hear it, and i'm also pleased to see so many contributers working on it
and lot's of content in the works. By the way, are you planning to contribute to the Fanzine at all and if so, what exactly?
Kat: I was thinking of writing a couple of reviews for some restaurants that I've been to. I've been known to write rather well when it comes to restauarant reviews, and I know I can write them well for the fanzine.
Closing Statements:
LoC: anyway, I look forward to seeing any Fanzine contributions you want to make in
the future. Now it's time for some closing statements I guess: first of all, I would like
to thank you again for letting us interview you. Do you have anything to add before we wrap this up?
Kat:Well, I'd just like to say that I honestly do enjoy posting at FKR, and that if anyone wants to talk to me, they can always IM me. I'm always looking for more people to chat with
on AIM/AOL/MSN/whatever. Also, if by chance they want to check out my
website, it's It's not
done, but I always like feedback.
LoC: Thank you again for your time, and hopefully we will do an another interview with
you sometime in the future!
General Information:
LoC : anyway, let's start off with the basics. How are you today Kat?
Kat: I'm doing well, a bit tired though. I only got 6 hours of sleep.
LoC : yeah, something like 4-5 hours myself.
Kat: That's brutal.
LoC : I went to bed around 4 A.M, and was out of bed around 9 AM. Anyway , tell us a bit about yourself!
LoC: you know, your favorite games,movies etc. your hobbies, etc.
Kat: Well, I'm 20. I spend probably most of the day online, the other part of the day spending time with Chris. I would go into my favorite movies and games, but that might take a while.
Let's just say, I love any movie with Johnny Depp or Brad Pitt in it, and I'm mostly addicted to any Mario game that comes out.
LoC : Good answers, and Johnny Depp has a good track-record for films! Do you
have any particular favorite game series or music albums you like? You could name off a few, doesn't have to be everything if you don't want . Also, any favorite genre of movies?
Kat: Well, for games, I love the Super Mario series, along with Sonic, and most of the Final Fantasy games. The Grand Theft Auto series is extremely fun too.
LoC: Mario is cool, Sonic sucked after Genesis, first 6 Final Fantasy games ruled,
and GTA got boring after II. All in my opinion anyway,but thanks for sharing your opinions as well. Any others to add?
Kat: Well, instead of albums, because they usually skip my mind, I'll just list my top five favorite bands: Fall Out Boy, Panic At The Disco, Venom, Gamma Ray, and Dragonforce. As for
movie genres, I usually enjoy comedy and romance films the most, with horror following second.
LoC: Venom and Gamma Ray are awesome, and DF is tolerable in small doses.PaTD and Fall Out Boy aren't my bag at all though. Anyway let's move on to questions about the forum and Fanzine.
Kat: Alright.
Fallen Knights Refuge:
LoC : How did you first discover Fallen Knights Refuge?
Kat: Well, over at Chaos Refuge(the precursor of Fallen Knights Refuge), LoC mentioned how he wanted to make a different forum for posting and make Chaos Refuge into an RP forum. After making the new forum, I quickly joined it as well.
LoC: And then shortly afterwards, Chaos Refuge was more or less killed or
succeeded by Fallen Knights Refuge. Still do wanna have an RP at FKR though!
Kat: I would enjoy it if we did have one.
LoC: yeah, a lot of people seem interested so I think we'll do it eventually. Anyway, how are you
enjoying your time at FKR?
Kat: Well, if I didn't enjoy it, I wouldn't have recommended Drew join, lol. But really, I like it. The people there are extremely friendly, and even though I've known most of them from
WF, a lot I didn't know, and I enjoy posting with them. Even Kiwi.
LoC: I like the crowd we have at FKR, and i've known many of them for quite a
long time now. So yeah...I agree. So,what are your favorite
and least favorite parts about the forum, and do you have any ideas on how to make it even better?
Kat: My favorite part about the forum is how easily everyone posts together. They just post as if they've known each other for years, and I like that. I also love the Army thing and the
arcade. Anyway, I really don't have any problems with FKR, minus the lack of posting. But FKR's come so far in just four months. I can just imagine how well it'll be in let's say, another four months.
LoC: Thank you, and I have to say i'm pretty satisfied with how far things have come so
far. Anyway, how good of a job do you think the staff does at running the place? Also, do
you have any particular favorite threads or sections that stand out to you?
Kat: I think the staff does a great job with running FKR,and I personally love all the "write
works" threads, as it's always fun to read/look at things that the members do themselves.
Fallen Knights Fanzine:
LoC: Now let's ask some Fanzine related questions: First of all, are you already a
reader and what are your thoughts about it if so?
Kat: Yes, I'm already a reader. I've enjoyed most of the articles I've read, but especially the Metallica, Nintendo, Panic At The Disco, and The Dark Knight ones. But anyway I think the Fanzine is doing well, and I would be intrigued to read more of it.
LoC: glad to hear it, and i'm also pleased to see so many contributers working on it
and lot's of content in the works. By the way, are you planning to contribute to the Fanzine at all and if so, what exactly?
Kat: I was thinking of writing a couple of reviews for some restaurants that I've been to. I've been known to write rather well when it comes to restauarant reviews, and I know I can write them well for the fanzine.
Closing Statements:
LoC: anyway, I look forward to seeing any Fanzine contributions you want to make in
the future. Now it's time for some closing statements I guess: first of all, I would like
to thank you again for letting us interview you. Do you have anything to add before we wrap this up?
Kat:Well, I'd just like to say that I honestly do enjoy posting at FKR, and that if anyone wants to talk to me, they can always IM me. I'm always looking for more people to chat with
on AIM/AOL/MSN/whatever. Also, if by chance they want to check out my
website, it's It's not
done, but I always like feedback.
LoC: Thank you again for your time, and hopefully we will do an another interview with
you sometime in the future!
Suikoden Tierkreis Update, and estimated US Release date!

Fallen Knights Fanzine has recently learned that the English translation of Suikoden Tierkreis is already well under way at Konami, and the North American release is expected to be sometime during the first quarter of 2009, although a more specific date is yet to be announced.
More game details have also recently been revealed in the latest issue of Nintendo Power. Progression within the game will be mission based, and these missions are also the only way to get potch(Suikoden's currency).Other changes from prior Suikoden games are that One-On-One Duels, True Runes, and the strategy battles are not present within Suikoden Tierkreis, nor are weapon upgrades. All weapons will instead be found within stores, like in most other RPG's. Another huge difference is that the game takes place in a parallel world. However, other familar elements such as co-op attacks, different attack ranges(Short,Medium,and Long) do return. The Japanese release date is set for December 18, 2008, and more details should be revealed as the release draws closer.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Flight of the Conchords Season 1 Review

Flight of the Conchords, who are they? Well that can be answered with a simple answer, and my answer would be "an awesome comedy duo." For those who don't know who they are, the band consists of two members. Bret McKenzie and Jemaine Clement are the driving force of FotC. Their music has been famous in New Zealand for quite some time now, and they're just bringing their stardom here. So far they have a TV show on HBO, a live album called Folk The World Tour, radio series done with BBC radio, an EP titled The Distant Future; Which I might add, won them a Grammy, and a self titled album. So far their hitting it big in America.
Anyways, that's enough about that at the moment, lets get to the show. The show is basically about these two New Zealanders who come to New York City to achieve stardom in America. This of course doesn't go their way, especially when they have a manager who can't get them a decent gig, and it doesn't help that they have one fan, who's obsessed with both of them, but more-so towards Bret. Each episode they play one of their hit songs, like Business Time, Inner City Pressure, Mutha'Uckers, Bowie, and so on. Now, I'll list off each episode with a review.
Episode 1 "Sally"
What can I say about this episode? This episode is about us meeting the band, and them finally moved to New York. Jemaine starts dating Bret's ex girlfriend after meeting her at Dave's party. This is where the very first skit appears. The song of choice, is The most Beautiful girl in the room. Anyways the laughs are great, the song is great. Near the end of the episode you'll get a whiff of their song I'm Not Crying. This song comes in, because Sally finally broke up with Jemaine. Also in this episode is The Humans are dead. I'd rate this episode a 10/10.
Episode 2 "Bret Gives up the Dream"
The band, facing problems need to do something to get cash to survive. They both go to Murray for some cash, but can't help. Instead Bret and Jemaine attempt to get a job as sign holders, Bret gets the job, but Jemaine doesn't. This of course makes Bret leave the band, because he can't go for both. As they see the future of FotC facing problems, Murray and Jemaine decide to hold auditions for the next Bret. Bret also meets his future girlfriend, Coco, who's also a sign holder, and of course loves bands. The skits in this episode are: Inner City Pressure, and Boom. My rating for this episode is a 10/10.
Episode 3 "Mugged"
Bret and Jemaine encounter two muggers and try to escape their grasp. Jemaine gets caught on a fence, while Bret runs off scared, leaving poor Jemaine to be mugged. After the whole altercation. Bret, Murray and Dave finally attempt to find Jemaine, but a few days later. They later find him in Jail. The muggers also have the same exact problem as Bret and Jemaine, since one of the muggers fled without their friend. This episode has the songs Hiphopotamus VS. The Rhymenocerous and Think About it. In the end, Bret tries to revive the friendship he once had with Jemaine, by taking back the camera phone that the muggers stole. My rating for this episode is a 9/10.
Episode 4 "Yoko"
Bret and Jemaine have a fallout with each other because of Bret's girlfriend Coco. Jemaine keeps going out on Bret and Coco's dates, and Bret doesn't think it's right. So he kicks him off the rest of the dates. Bret quits the band because Jemaine thinks Coco is trying to split up the band. Jemaine tries to get Bret back into the band, but it doesn't go so great. But he does come back. In this episode the skits that are played are Sello Tape, and If You're Into It. 10/10
Episode 5 "Sally Returns"
Jemaine runs into Sally at the Laundromat, in which she tells Jemaine to get his own place if he ever wants to hang out. Bret of course finds out that Jemaine is in love with Sally again, this in turn makes Bret fall for her again. This of course isn't great news for Coco, since the two are dating. Bret and Jemaine fight over her with home made gifts, like a glass butterfly and a paiting. Jemaine finally gets his own apartment, a closet, and decides to invite a bunch of his friends over. Bret doesn't show up, so Jemaine has a feeling that he's out at Sally's birthday party, in which Jemaine leaves his party to investigate. Once there the two find out that she's getting married to an Australian man with a lot of cash. This breaks both of their hearts. Coco breaks up with Bret and life goes on for the guys. The songs included in this episode are Business Time, and Song for Sally. I'd rate this episode a 10/10
Episode 6 "Bowie"
Bret faces body issues. Jemaine believes that Bret is a little Bulimic. Bret encounters David Bowie in his dream, Bowie decides to tell Bret to increase his image. He suggested he wear an eye patch. This didn't work as it made Bret's depth perseption all messed up. Then another night Bowie came back into his dreams, telling him to do something crazy. Anyways the guys were on the verge of getting themselves a deal for using their song in a greeting card, but since Bret decided to do something crazy, and that crazy thing being, painting his privates with lightning bolts and flasshing the guy giving the deal. Anyways, episode 6 includes the songs of Bowie, and Bret You've Got it Going on. I'd rate this episode a 10/10.
Episode 7 "Drive By"
Bret and Jemaine are in a race war with a fruit vendor. They try to explain to him that it's wrong. Dave suggests sending them to Alcatraz, but being as that is not something the guys want to do. Also Murray falls in love with the tech support lady, but is too late to express his feelings. In this episode, these skits were done; Mutha'Uckers, Albi The Racist Dragon, and Leggy Blonde. I rate this episode a 10/10.
Episode 8 "Girlfriends"
Bret gets a new girlfriend, or so he believes that's what he got. Bret is Jemaine's 'Wingman', and Murray finally gets the guys a CD deal, but it's too good to be true. Bret's new so called girlfriend tells him that she has to be shipped out to Iraq in the morning, and demands to have sex before she goes. The skits included in this episode are A Kiss is not a Contract, and Foux Du Fafa. I rate this episode a 9/10.
Episode 9 "What Goes on Tour"
Bret and Jemaine go on a small tour in preparation for a gig in Central Park. Murray uses his own money from his bank account for the tour. The guys buy leather jackets, in which Murray calls says they "Look like a bunch of cool looking idiots." Bret drops a TV out the window on accident, and Murray thinks it was Jemaine, being that he's the crazy one. The guys go to various gigs, while messing nearly breaking everything in the process. They also meet up with a water polo team who use their room number to get free room service. Murray gets angry with Bret and Jemaine after Bret accidentally gets the car in the pool forgetting to put the handbrake on. This episode contained only one song, and that was Mermaids. I rate this episode a 10/10.
Episode 10 "New Fans"
Bret and Jemaine finally get new fans. Mel thinks that all these new fans want to do is have sex with them, and Bret and Jemaine do acid and experience a nice trip, and one of the new fans wanted to have a threesome with Bret and Jemaine. The songs included in this episode are Ladies of the World, and Prince of Parties. I rate this episode a 9/10.
Episode 11 "The Actor"
The guys hire an actor to give Murray a nice rejection call, but the actor, turning things around, give the guys a record deal, or so that's what Murray believes. Bret and Jemaine make a music video for their new song Frodo. Murray then learns the truth that it was all a lie. The songs included in this episode were Frodo, and Cheer Up Murray. I rate this episode a 9/10.
Episode 12 "The Third Conchord"
In the season finale, Murray forces a new member on the guys, but they don't favor him so well. Bret splits with Jemaine and the new guy Todd to form a new band with Demetri called The Original Flight of the Conchords, while Jemaine and Todd continue on with FotC. Todd of course doesn't favor FotC so he tells Jemaine that he would like to change their name to Crazy Dogggz with 3 G's. Jemaine doesn't like the idea. Each band faces problems. Todd has long solo's and Demetri copies Brets moves.. Murray suggests they form a super group, but Demetri and Todd decide to go along and join their own band, which would become The Crazy Dogggz. FotC lose their only fan, and The Crazy Dogggz win stardom with Murray as their manager. This episode there was only one skit, and that was the song Doggy Bounce. I rate this episode a 10/10. So, what will come of the legacy?
Since I reviewed every single episode, I may as well review the Season 1 DVD. The sad thing is this, there is no extras, no commentary or deleted scenes, no live performances, etc. There's nothing but the episodes. But that's ok with me, as I'm fine with each and every episode.
Anyways my rating for the Season 1 DVD set is a 10/10 simply because I love this show.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
LoC Interview Pt. 1, by The Liztress
Welcome to Part One of the Interview with our founder and lead admin, LoC! This is The Liztress again with another interview, this time it's so HUGE I had to make it into parts. I present to you, Part One! The reason I say this is part one is due to the fact that I plan on "picking" Grave's mind even more in the next part. And who knows how many parts this takes? Grave is one mysterious dude and we'd love to get him figured out.
General Information-
Liz: Evening. Could you tell me your name and who you are on FKR?
LoC: Good evening to you as well! My name is Dan, and I am LoC at Fallen Knights Refuge.
Liz: Alright, how about we talk about you. What kind of things do you like?
LoC: me? Well I like Games(especially RPG's), a wide range of music, reading books, watching(mainly older) movies, and of course going to forums!
Liz: What are your fave games?
LoC: It's hard to list only a few, but I would say: Dragon Quest series, Phantasy Star I-IV, Suikoden series to name just a few
Liz: How about fave music?
LoC: ehh, a little of everything
LoC: Mainly Metal and Electronic music, but I listen to everything from Jazz,to classical, to old Country
Liz: Any artists you think stand out?
LoC: A lot actually, but it's tough to narrow down
LoC: For Metal I would say Leviathan,Vrolok, Shape Of Despair, Evoken, Summoning, Darkthrone and many others
LoC: For Electronic I would say Aphex Twin, Venetian Snares,Coil, Skinny Puppy, ohGr, Boards Of Canada, and a trillion others
LoC: these lists are always so difficult and limiting for me
Liz: Well, I won't ask for any more lists, lol.
LoC: it's alright!
LoC: it's hard to fit everything about me into a single interview anyway! (Author's Note: He's not lying. This is why we're going to have a few more interviews with the guy.)
Liz: Do you scare easily?
LoC: yes and no
LoC: why?
Liz: Just asking.
Liz: What scares you?
LoC: to be honest, I don't really know
LoC: it either does or it doesn't
Liz: Bloody bodies?
Liz: Scary or not?
LoC: sometimes, depends on how they are used
Liz: What if you're tossed into a pile of bloody bodies?
LoC: I think suspense and atmosphere are two of the biggest things in Horror films
LoC: being tossed into a pile of bloody bodies could be pretty umm...unsettling
Fallen Knights Refuge-
Liz: How did you come up with the idea for Fallen Knights Refuge, or FKR?
LoC: Well... the roots of the name Fallen Knights go way back to the year 2000, when I created the Fallen Knights mailinglist on AOL. Fallen Knights Refuge came about as the limitations of my previous forum(Chaos Refuge) became more and more painfully apparent. Moving to a different forum software with more freedom seemed like the right thing to do.
LoC: Originally I was going to call this forum Chaos Refuge too but I had wanted to keep CR open as an RP forum...which died a few weeks after opening Fallen Knights Refuge
LoC: as for FKR, it definitely has exceeded my expectations in a lot of ways
Liz: Care to tell us about some of those?
LoC: *wait, lemme finish this* my previous forum Chaos Refuge was fairly successful for about a month, then activity decreased rather abruptly due to a combination of factors such as members leaving or losing internet access etc.
Liz: Yes sir
LoC: Activity picked up a little bit again around the end of April, but the place was unstable at best.
LoC: After a while, I just decided that I should try to make a new forum. On May 20th, I just decided to go ahead and get started. The first week or 2 we only had about 3 or 4 active members, but things began to pick up by Mid June or so
LoC: At first I had no idea what to expect or for how long we would last. So I just decided to take things one day at a time, and did my best to keep the place fun and active.
LoC: Even now, I try to make each and every day count as much as possible.
Liz: So, can I ask another question now? lol
LoC: yes lol sorry about that
Liz: It's ok
Liz: Could you tell me what you like about FKR?
LoC: what I like about FKR?
LoC: well... I like the members, the topics, that we can have fun while still having some productive discussions, that most of the active members seem to genuinely want to better the forums, the lack of stress and assholes
Liz: How do you feel about the staff?
LoC: I am actually very satisified with our staff. Every single one of them has done so much to help better the forum, and try to do everything I ask of them. What more could I want?
Liz: You could want... Some prinnies
LoC: prinnies would be a plus, but find me one who wants to join the staff!
Liz: lol
Liz: Ok, could you tell me who are some of your favorite members on the forum?
LoC: I don't know, I like pretty much everyone
LoC: but I am especially appreciative of the folks who have stuck with us through thick and thin
LoC: you,Venom,Crazy K, Kit, and everyone else who has been here for the good and bad times
Liz: Do you think they are the reason FKR has been doing good this long?
LoC: they are definitely a big part of it, yes
LoC: without people who always stuck around, we never would have lasted this long
Liz: So, do you have high hopes for the forum?
LoC: in what way?
Liz: In the way that people will consider it their "online home"?
LoC: FKR has already surpassed my expectations, but I believe we can do even better.
LoC: I hope that everyone continues to enjoy the forum, and I hope to make them enjoy it even miore in the future
Liz: Of course they will
LoC: I always try to keep the forum fresh and exciting, and things like the Fanzine help get people involved and excited.
Fallen Knights Fanzine-
Liz: What are your thoughts of the Fanzine?
LoC: well, it's come a long way! lol
LoC: I first started work on the original version of the Fanzine back in January of 2002. At the time, we had 4 writers including myself. We threw the whole first issue together in a week or so, and we released it promptly on Feburary first. Ironically, that was the only issue we ever did that was on time!
Liz: Do you think that was a bad thing?
Liz: It being the only issue released on time?
LoC: of course I do! A magazine should always strive to be on time when delivering new issues, but we always seemed to have trouble getting it together on time. We had issues with web hosts, writers being busy or disappearing, and also the fact that I had somebody else as a webmaster, because I was terrible at working on websites myself.
LoC: Having the Fanzine as a blog has solved a lot of these problems, and it allows any of our writers to add content whenever they want.
Liz: But they always managed to get articles up.
Liz: Do you like the articles on there now?
LoC: Yes, I think we have a lot of great articles and reviews. The staff itself is great as well, but October has seemed a little slow so far compared to last month.
Liz: Do you think it's because everyone is striving to post some really spooky things for this month?
LoC: I know a number of good things are in the works, including from me as well
Liz: Awesome!
Liz: Do you think there are any improvements the Fanzine needs?
LoC: A lot of Halloween/Horror related content is something I really want to see for October. Should this go well, I am hoping to do Fanzine themes for other times of year as well.
Liz: Like Christmas?
LoC: As for the Fanzine itself, I wish we had a better looking skin on the blog. Something that fits the Fanzine better
LoC: yes, a Christmas theme would be great to see
LoC: Also I wish we could organize the Fanzine a little better, and I also hope to get deadlines for content in place. Of course I will still be fairly flexible if needed, but deadlines help keep things moving
The FKR Game Story-
Liz: Alright, what are your thoughts on the FKR Game Story?
LoC: Outside of you making me look like a complete fool?
LoC: nah just kidding
LoC: I love the story so far, and I think this is definitely the best one you have done to date
Liz: >.>
LoC: I look forward to each chapter, and I find a number of the plot twists to be clever and unexpected
Liz: Like?
LoC: me "killing" Wiki, this mysterious T&K character, the whole shotglass situation lol
LoC: to name just a few
Liz: lol
LoC: anyway, it's great
Liz: Thanks.
Liz: Anyways, what do you think will happen next on there?
LoC: I don't know, and I usually don't know!
LoC: that's what makes it so enjoyable
LoC: not knowing what will happen next
Liz: Good good.
Liz: What has been your favorite parts?
LoC: but I am seriously wondering who this T&K is
LoC: favorite parts? Well, there's the whole shotglass and stool things lol
LoC: Venom and I getting thrown in jail, "accidently" burninating Wiki
Stay tuned for part two of this interview next month! This has been The Liztress and I hope you enjoyed the interview!
General Information-
Liz: Evening. Could you tell me your name and who you are on FKR?
LoC: Good evening to you as well! My name is Dan, and I am LoC at Fallen Knights Refuge.
Liz: Alright, how about we talk about you. What kind of things do you like?
LoC: me? Well I like Games(especially RPG's), a wide range of music, reading books, watching(mainly older) movies, and of course going to forums!
Liz: What are your fave games?
LoC: It's hard to list only a few, but I would say: Dragon Quest series, Phantasy Star I-IV, Suikoden series to name just a few
Liz: How about fave music?
LoC: ehh, a little of everything
LoC: Mainly Metal and Electronic music, but I listen to everything from Jazz,to classical, to old Country
Liz: Any artists you think stand out?
LoC: A lot actually, but it's tough to narrow down
LoC: For Metal I would say Leviathan,Vrolok, Shape Of Despair, Evoken, Summoning, Darkthrone and many others
LoC: For Electronic I would say Aphex Twin, Venetian Snares,Coil, Skinny Puppy, ohGr, Boards Of Canada, and a trillion others
LoC: these lists are always so difficult and limiting for me
Liz: Well, I won't ask for any more lists, lol.
LoC: it's alright!
LoC: it's hard to fit everything about me into a single interview anyway! (Author's Note: He's not lying. This is why we're going to have a few more interviews with the guy.)
Liz: Do you scare easily?
LoC: yes and no
LoC: why?
Liz: Just asking.
Liz: What scares you?
LoC: to be honest, I don't really know
LoC: it either does or it doesn't
Liz: Bloody bodies?
Liz: Scary or not?
LoC: sometimes, depends on how they are used
Liz: What if you're tossed into a pile of bloody bodies?
LoC: I think suspense and atmosphere are two of the biggest things in Horror films
LoC: being tossed into a pile of bloody bodies could be pretty umm...unsettling
Fallen Knights Refuge-
Liz: How did you come up with the idea for Fallen Knights Refuge, or FKR?
LoC: Well... the roots of the name Fallen Knights go way back to the year 2000, when I created the Fallen Knights mailinglist on AOL. Fallen Knights Refuge came about as the limitations of my previous forum(Chaos Refuge) became more and more painfully apparent. Moving to a different forum software with more freedom seemed like the right thing to do.
LoC: Originally I was going to call this forum Chaos Refuge too but I had wanted to keep CR open as an RP forum...which died a few weeks after opening Fallen Knights Refuge
LoC: as for FKR, it definitely has exceeded my expectations in a lot of ways
Liz: Care to tell us about some of those?
LoC: *wait, lemme finish this* my previous forum Chaos Refuge was fairly successful for about a month, then activity decreased rather abruptly due to a combination of factors such as members leaving or losing internet access etc.
Liz: Yes sir
LoC: Activity picked up a little bit again around the end of April, but the place was unstable at best.
LoC: After a while, I just decided that I should try to make a new forum. On May 20th, I just decided to go ahead and get started. The first week or 2 we only had about 3 or 4 active members, but things began to pick up by Mid June or so
LoC: At first I had no idea what to expect or for how long we would last. So I just decided to take things one day at a time, and did my best to keep the place fun and active.
LoC: Even now, I try to make each and every day count as much as possible.
Liz: So, can I ask another question now? lol
LoC: yes lol sorry about that
Liz: It's ok
Liz: Could you tell me what you like about FKR?
LoC: what I like about FKR?
LoC: well... I like the members, the topics, that we can have fun while still having some productive discussions, that most of the active members seem to genuinely want to better the forums, the lack of stress and assholes
Liz: How do you feel about the staff?
LoC: I am actually very satisified with our staff. Every single one of them has done so much to help better the forum, and try to do everything I ask of them. What more could I want?
Liz: You could want... Some prinnies
LoC: prinnies would be a plus, but find me one who wants to join the staff!
Liz: lol
Liz: Ok, could you tell me who are some of your favorite members on the forum?
LoC: I don't know, I like pretty much everyone
LoC: but I am especially appreciative of the folks who have stuck with us through thick and thin
LoC: you,Venom,Crazy K, Kit, and everyone else who has been here for the good and bad times
Liz: Do you think they are the reason FKR has been doing good this long?
LoC: they are definitely a big part of it, yes
LoC: without people who always stuck around, we never would have lasted this long
Liz: So, do you have high hopes for the forum?
LoC: in what way?
Liz: In the way that people will consider it their "online home"?
LoC: FKR has already surpassed my expectations, but I believe we can do even better.
LoC: I hope that everyone continues to enjoy the forum, and I hope to make them enjoy it even miore in the future
Liz: Of course they will
LoC: I always try to keep the forum fresh and exciting, and things like the Fanzine help get people involved and excited.
Fallen Knights Fanzine-
Liz: What are your thoughts of the Fanzine?
LoC: well, it's come a long way! lol
LoC: I first started work on the original version of the Fanzine back in January of 2002. At the time, we had 4 writers including myself. We threw the whole first issue together in a week or so, and we released it promptly on Feburary first. Ironically, that was the only issue we ever did that was on time!
Liz: Do you think that was a bad thing?
Liz: It being the only issue released on time?
LoC: of course I do! A magazine should always strive to be on time when delivering new issues, but we always seemed to have trouble getting it together on time. We had issues with web hosts, writers being busy or disappearing, and also the fact that I had somebody else as a webmaster, because I was terrible at working on websites myself.
LoC: Having the Fanzine as a blog has solved a lot of these problems, and it allows any of our writers to add content whenever they want.
Liz: But they always managed to get articles up.
Liz: Do you like the articles on there now?
LoC: Yes, I think we have a lot of great articles and reviews. The staff itself is great as well, but October has seemed a little slow so far compared to last month.
Liz: Do you think it's because everyone is striving to post some really spooky things for this month?
LoC: I know a number of good things are in the works, including from me as well
Liz: Awesome!
Liz: Do you think there are any improvements the Fanzine needs?
LoC: A lot of Halloween/Horror related content is something I really want to see for October. Should this go well, I am hoping to do Fanzine themes for other times of year as well.
Liz: Like Christmas?
LoC: As for the Fanzine itself, I wish we had a better looking skin on the blog. Something that fits the Fanzine better
LoC: yes, a Christmas theme would be great to see
LoC: Also I wish we could organize the Fanzine a little better, and I also hope to get deadlines for content in place. Of course I will still be fairly flexible if needed, but deadlines help keep things moving
The FKR Game Story-
Liz: Alright, what are your thoughts on the FKR Game Story?
LoC: Outside of you making me look like a complete fool?
LoC: nah just kidding
LoC: I love the story so far, and I think this is definitely the best one you have done to date
Liz: >.>
LoC: I look forward to each chapter, and I find a number of the plot twists to be clever and unexpected
Liz: Like?
LoC: me "killing" Wiki, this mysterious T&K character, the whole shotglass situation lol
LoC: to name just a few
Liz: lol
LoC: anyway, it's great
Liz: Thanks.
Liz: Anyways, what do you think will happen next on there?
LoC: I don't know, and I usually don't know!
LoC: that's what makes it so enjoyable
LoC: not knowing what will happen next
Liz: Good good.
Liz: What has been your favorite parts?
LoC: but I am seriously wondering who this T&K is
LoC: favorite parts? Well, there's the whole shotglass and stool things lol
LoC: Venom and I getting thrown in jail, "accidently" burninating Wiki
Stay tuned for part two of this interview next month! This has been The Liztress and I hope you enjoyed the interview!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Interviewing Lamb
My second interview, was done interviewing Lanza, is well known not at FKR itself, but at many sites that are in some way or another, related to FKR.
nostalgic wiki (9:5 8:45 PM): Greetings my friend, Welcome to the Wiki show. How are you doing today?
Lxnza (9:59:19 PM): That's a very cliché question and I doubt you really care about how I'm doing.
nostalgic wiki (9:59:46 PM): You are correct, but it looks polite to ask, and since this question will be desplayed publicly, I decided to pull out all the stops.
nostalgic wiki (9:59:56 PM): So, if you will, please answer the question.
Lxnza (10:00:17 PM): A cliché question gets a cliché answer! I'm fine. And you?
nostalgic wiki (10:00:26 PM): Im just swell thank you.
nostalgic wiki (10:01:08 PM): First things first, I must ask, what is your opinion on th is circuss of a presidential election process? This year has been nothing short of a soap opera imo, but I would like to know what you think.
Lxnza (10:03:14 PM): What can you say about it? The self-proclaimed Maverick warmongering sociopath is going to do all he can to make the economy further insert its extensions into the assholes of the American people, and my vote is for Obama, who will at least make the insanity come at a steady pace rather than add to it.
nostalgic wiki (10:03:59 PM): Ahhh, but, haven't you heard? He is a terrorist!
Lxnza (10:04:28 PM): I have heard this assertion, and in response to it: At least his brand of terrorism would be exciting.
nostalgic wiki (10:05:19 PM): Lol, I was not being serious, but that is a great answer if I have ever heard one.
nostalgic wiki (10:06:21 PM): Moving on.
nostalgic wiki (10:06:40 PM): You were recently banned from Wire Forums, yet I here you asked for it, care to explain why?
Lxnza (10:08:46 PM): I cut ties with it because going there was essentially pointless at the time - and it's not like it was some beacon of activity or wholesome discussion. Not that I contributed to any of that or anything, but if you . . . you know, I can't think of an analogy that doesn't involve food.
nostalgic wiki (10:09:18 PM): Lol, I think any situation can be described by a simple food20analogy
Lxnza (10:09:44 PM): Yes, well.
Lxnza (10:10:03 PM): If you add one piece of shrimp to a brothy soup, it only makes that small bite a delicacy.
Lxnza (10:10:12 PM): And the rest of it is blnd.
Lxnza (10:10:16 PM): bland*
nostalgic wiki (10:10:47 PM): So, for all the women out there who want to know, what does the Lanza look for in a woman?
Lxnza (10:11:11 PM): Intelligence.
nostalgic wiki (10:11:21 PM): And boobs, amirite?
Lxnza (10:11:44 PM): Smaller ones are better than anything.
nostalgic wiki (10:12:39 PM): Its time to move onto a round that I like to call, that or this, because this or that is overused.
Lxnza (10:13:01 PM): Go on
nostalgic wiki (10:13:16 PM): I will state two things, with an "or" in the middle.
Lxnza (10:13:22 PM): Ok.
nostalgic wiki (10:13:27 PM): You choose one of those things.
nostalgic wiki (10:13:30 PM): First
nostalgic wiki (10:13:38 PM): Cat food or Dog food
Lxnza (10:13:45 PM): Dog food.
nostalgic wiki (10:14:10 PM): "this or that" or "that or this"
Lxnza (10:14:19 PM): The former.
Lxnza (10:14:25 PM): Rolls off the tongue better.
nostalgic wiki (10:15:09 PM): Rap or Country
Lxnza (10:15:20 PM): Country.
Lxnza (10:15:26 PM): lol
nostalgic wiki (10:15:31 PM): Lol or loL
Lxnza (10:15:38 PM): Lol
nostalgic wiki (9:16:20 PM): Chatrooms or Forums or blogs.
Lxnza (9:16:31 PM): Forums.
nostalgic wiki (9:16:49 PM): KKK or the Black Panthers
Lxnza (9:17:02 PM): KKK
nostalgic wiki (9:18:02 PM): Industrial or commercial work
Lxnza (9:18:15 PM): Indifferent.
nostalgic wiki (9:18:48 PM): Pepperoni or sausage
Lxnza (9:18:56 PM): Pepperoni.
nostalgic wiki (9:19:06 PM): Nice nice.
nostalgic wiki (9:19:14 PM): Chicken or Steak?
Lxnza (9:20:25 PM): Steak,
nostalgic wiki (9:20:57 PM): Mai or Aryah
Lxnza (9:21:10 PM): . . .
Lxnza (9:21:28 PM): In what context?
nostalgic wiki (9:21:29 PM): Let me rephraze that.
nostalgic wiki (9:22:02 PM): I was goign to say sex with, but I changed my mind.
nostalgic wiki (9:22:05 PM): Meeting them IRL.
Lxnza (9:22:21 PM): Probably Aryah.
Lxnza (9:22:33 PM): More mysterious.
nostalgic wiki (9:23:04 PM): Cake or Pie
Lxnza (9:23:15 PM): Pie.
nostalgic wiki (9:23:25 PM): The Blogosphere, or televised media.
Lxnza (9:23:38 PM): Indifferent.
nostalgic wiki (9:24:20 PM): Sharks or Alligators
Lxnza (9:24:27 PM): Sharks.
nostalgic wiki (9:24:37 PM): TIme for the next round.
Lxnza (9:24:44 PM): brb
Lxnza (9:26:14 PM): K
nostalgic wiki (9:26:26 PM): Time for the favorites round.
nostalgic wiki (9:26:38 PM): Ill ask what your favorite of something is.
nostalgic wiki (9:26:41 PM): You resond
nostalgic wiki (9:26:51 PM): Favorite Type of Cheese
Lxnza (9:27:01 PM): Parmesan.
nostalgic wiki (9:27:05 PM): Soda
Lxnza (9:27:25 PM): Orange Crush.
nostalgic wiki (9:27:41 PM): Horror movie
Lxnza (9:27:55 PM): Good question.
Lxnza (9:28:09 PM): Shazam.
nostalgic wiki (9:28:15 PM): Lol.
nostalgic wiki& nbsp;(9:28:23 PM): Shaq is a scary guy.
Lxnza (9:28:23 PM): No.
Lxnza (9:28:31 PM): His acting is scary, yeah.
Lxnza (9:28:38 PM): But I retract that statement from the public.
nostalgic wiki (9:28:53 PM): Really? Its led to a funny spin off conversation.
Lxnza (9:29:01 PM): lol
Lxnza (9:29:16 PM): It's a shameless Scary Movie reference.
nostalgic wiki (9:29:17 PM): Just state what your favorite horror flick is, and we will move on to the next question.
nostalgic wiki (9:29:30 PM): Aye.
Lxnza (9:29:43 PM): Leprechaun 3. It's technically intended to be a horror flick.
nostalgic wiki (9:29:58 PM): US coin
Lxnza (9:30:10 PM): Dime.
nostalgic wiki (9:30:17 PM): Type of lava
Lxnza (9:30:30 PM): The hot kind.
nostalgic wiki (9:30:56 PM): Illegal drug, if you had to do one.
Lxnza (9:31:07 PM): Heroin.
Lxnza (9:31:17 PM): Because I'm a badass motherfucker.
nostalgic wiki (9:31:28 PM): Famous drug addict
Lxnza (9:31:36 PM): Charles Manson?
nostalgic wiki (9:31:41 PM): Lol
nostalgic wiki (9:31:50 PM): IS he also your favorite serial killer?
nostalgic wiki (9:32:04 PM): If not, who is?
Lxnza (9:32:05 PM): Nope.
Lxnza (9:32:10 PM): Hm . . .
Lxnza (9:32:39 PM): Jozef Stalin killed because he thought he was a god, and because he loved being a n overlord.
Lxnza (9:32:47 PM): I can relate to that, I think.
nostalgic wiki (9:32:58 PM): Internet forum
Lxnza (9:33:20 PM):
Lxnza (9:33:36 PM): Their message boards.
nostalgic wiki (9:33:37 PM): Favorite Rock, according to its flavor.
Lxnza (9:33:48 PM): Dwayne Johnson.
nostalgic wiki (9:33:53 PM): Nice.
Lxnza (9:34:04 PM): The man has great flavor.
nostalgic wiki (9:34:05 PM): favorite conqueror.
Lxnza (9:36:09 PM): None.
nostalgic wiki (9:36:18 PM): ![:-(]()
nostalgic wiki (9:36:39 PM): Alexander the Great, Napoleon Bonaparte, cmon man, Attila the fucking hun!
nostalgic wiki (9:36:44 PM): Dont give me none!!! O:
Lxnza (9:37:03 PM): Lxnza: None.
nostalgic wiki (9:37:11 PM): ![:-(]()
nostalgic wiki (9:37:13 PM): Well
nostalgic wiki (9:37:20 PM): Time for the fourth and final round.
nostalgic wiki (9:37:25 PM): Serious question round.
nostalgic wiki (9:37:30 PM): First.
nostalgic wiki (9:38:02 PM): Who do you think would win in a four way battle between the Hulk, Darth Vader, Godzilla, and the Megazord from the first season of power rangers.
Lxnza (9:38:32 PM): Seasoned Darth Vader, from Episode 5?
nostalgic wiki (9:39:04 PM): Darth vader as he was meant to be displayed, as the most poerful sith ever. Cant judge him by his stiff movements in the older movies.
Lxnza (9:39:50 PM): Hulk would break the Megazord, grab Godzilla's throat and clench enough to make it stop breathing, and overpower Darth Vader. But Darth Vader has that lightsaber, and force lightning, so it all depends on if those could penetrate Hulk's extremely tough skin.
nostalgic wiki (9:40:05 PM): I think the Saber is the only thing that could.
nostalgic wiki (9:40:21 PM): Next question.
Lxnza (9:40:24 PM): Probably Darth Vader.
Lxnza (9:40:33 PM): Depending on if Hulk could force his way through The Force.
Lxnza (9:40:35 PM): Shoot.
nostalgic wiki (9:40:49 PM): If you hade to nuke one nation till there was nothing left, which would you choose.
Lxnza (9:41:05 PM): Can I just nuke Europe?
nostalgic wiki (9:41:25 PM): Nope, only one European nation.
nostalgic wiki (9:41:55 PM): And also, if you could frame any nation, and make it seem like they are the ones that nuked them, which would you choose?
Lxnza (9:43:55 PM): I can't choose!
nostalgic wiki (9:44:25 PM): Lol, lets just go with the entire world then.
nostalgic wiki (9:44:47 PM): If you died from a viral infection, which virus would you prefer to contract?
Lxnza (9:45:56 PM): Wow.
nostalgic wiki (9:46:20 PM): The wow virus.
nostalgic wiki (9:46:22 PM): Great choice
Lxnza (9:46:31 PM): Yup.
nostalgic wiki (9:46:37 PM): Lol.
Lxnza (9:46:39 PM): I'd die from continuously playing WoW.
nostalgic wiki (9:46:49 PM): Definitely a virus.
Lxnza (9:46:53 PM): People have done it.
nostalgic wiki (9:46:57 PM): Well sir.
nostalgic wiki (9:47:16 PM): I would like to continue this, but I am all out of time.
nostalgic wiki (9:48:24 PM): You can look forward to seeing this in the FKR fanzine after my personal editors have their way with it.
nostalgic wiki (9:48:46 PM): It was a pleasure having you here on the wiki show today.
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