Thursday, December 4, 2008

Kiwi's Explosively Great Stories

I present yet some more of Kiwi's amazing totally awesome stories!!

Spot the Timber Wolf anxiously bounded up the walkway to the door of his best friend's, Robert the Mad Dog, house. He stopped at the door, took a breath, then blew the door down with his arm-mounted lasers. "You didn't knock, you rude mech!" exclaimed Robert as he glared at Spot. "Sorry, I was in a hurry."

"I'll excuse your lack of manners, this time."

"So, what are our plans for tonight?"

"The same thing they are every night, Spot." Spot thought for a moment, "Eat babies?" Robert paused at this, "Ok, maybe it's not the same thing we do every night."

"Ooooo, what is it?"

"Dunno! Let's go!"

As they left, a thought struck Spot, "Hey Robert, if there's no door, what's gonna stop thieves?" Robert shrugged, "Everything I have is rigged to violently explode should someone try to steal it."

"How would they know that will happen?"

"When it goes off in their face, I imagine."

Inane conversation continued for some time until they met Tiffany the Cauldron Born. "Hi, Tiffany!" said Spot waving at her. "How is our obligatory female today?" asked Robert. Tiffany waved back and said, "I'm alright, whatcha doing?"

"No clue, but it will probably involve explosions. Wanna come?" said Robert. "Sure! It's not like I have anything better to do!" said Tiffany as she joined the two on their walk to someplace. "What were you gonna do?" Spot asked Tiffany. "I was gonna help out at the orphanage down the street. They've been busy since someone went on a rampage through that neighborhood." Robert looked up at the sky in thought for a moment, "Oh yeah! That was us who did that! Do you think you can pick us up some babies there later?" Tiffany nodded, "Sure! I'll see what I can do!"

And so their heroic journey began.

Wasn't that just great? If you disagree with me, then Kiwi will hunt you down and blow you up. ^_^ Here's the next part.

"Hey Robert."

"Yeah, Spot?"

"Where do babies come from?" At this, the trio stopped moving. "Well, ummm... I don't quite know, what about you, Tiffany?" Tiffany thought for a moment, then put forward her theory, "Well, ya know how sick and dead people go to hospitals?" The other two nodded their heads. "Well, maybe they salavge the parts from the dead and what sick people don't need. Then they use those parts to make babies!" The other two thought for a moment and realized this made a good deal of sense. "But why do they need two people for a baby?"

"To sign waivers and such?"

"Yeah, you can't trust a single person these days." With a legendary mystery solved, they continued on with their journey. They continued for a while until Robert spoke up, "Hey, do you hear something?" The group listened intensely and then ran to the source. They found an orange Raven running around a Nova Cat, shooting him with pulse lasers, and repeatedly yelling "Pester!"

"It's the Pester Machine!" exclaimed Spot. They sat back and watched the fight. It continued in the same manner it had been for about a minute, until the Nova Cat managed to nick him with one of his lasers. The Pester Machine stood still and gasped. "You... You... YOU HIT ME!" with that he ran around the Nova Cat faster then he had been, yelling "PESTER!" at a rate faster then any mere mortal could even hope to approach. "SO MUCH PESTERING!" shouted the Nova Cat in sheer frustration. Then, he exploded.

The trio approached the annoying menace. "You've slowed down." said Robert. "He was more patient then they usually are. How are you guys?"

"We're good, and we're on a journey. Wanna come?"

"Will there be people to pester?"

"More then likely."

"I'm in then!"

(Any copyrighted characters or material belong to their respective owners, don't sue, plzkthnx)
Tune in next part for more of Kiwi's fantastic stories! As always, if you enjoyed this stories and want to read more log into Fallen Knights Refuge and look up Members' Works. And bug Kiwi for more as well.

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