Sunday, May 10, 2009

TouchGrind quick review

I'm pretty sure everyone knows that I'm a huge fan of the two Skate games, so it probably comes as no surprise that the moment I got an iTouch, this was one of the first apps I purchased. While there are technically only 3 parks to pick from, it seems like there's a lot less since there's just 1 park for each game mode (practice, jam session/best trick, competition). Normally, this would be a downside, but thanks to the amazing controls and physics of the game, it's completely fine in my book. Since the iTouch and iPhone have a multi touch screen, that means you're actually able to control the game like a tech deck, meaning you put one finger on the nose/tail of the board, then the other in the center which determines the general direction you're going to be headed in. In order to turn, just like on a real skateboard, you simply lean your fingers in the direction you want to go or release your front finger. To ollie, you release your front finger, then the tail finger, and if you feel like pushing it back down to slap down on a rail or whatever, just put both fingers back on the skateboard. Kickflips are performed by flicking your front finger off to the left side of the deck, and then release your back finger, and the better you perform the action, the faster and more straight your flips come out. For anyone who cares, there is an online leaderboard and unlockable decks, but neither really extends the life of the game. Since it’s pretty cheap, it’s an easy recommendation for anyone with an iTouch or iPhone and has tons of replayability.

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