Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Phoenix Wright: Trials&Tribulations, Review by LoC


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Phoenix Wright: Trials&Tribulations 

Review by LoC

Genre: Adventure

System: Nintendo DS

Publisher: Capcom

Release Date: 2007

The Phoenix Wright series has been something of an unexpected success in the United States, not the least of which because it's a part of a genre of games which hasn't been very popular in recent years, that being a point and click Adventure game. One of the reasons that Phoenix Wright works where many other games have failed is because of the fairly unique setting, memorable characters, and well executed storyline. All of these elements are of course featured in this final outing of the Phoenix Wright trilogy: Trials&Tribulations, which is quite possibly the best game in the series. People who played Justice For All and were let down by the lack of improvements or new gameplay mechanics will still be let down with Trials, as absolutely nothing has been changed with the core gameplay. That isn't to say that there aren't any clever twists, as Trials has some cases where you will play as a lawyer other than Phoenix Wright, which is a very welcome addition. The story is probably the best yet, and helps close out the trilogy on a very high note, but I still can't help but wish that there could have been more games starring Phoenix Wright. All in all, this game is an absolute must for series fans, and I even found it to be emotionally moving at times. The Ace Attorney has since been continued with a new character named Apollo Justice at the helm, although it seems to be missing some of the magic found in the Phoenix trilogy, but that is a story for another Review. 

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