Sunday, November 30, 2008

GIMP review, by Lloyd Reed

Yeah the GNU Image manipulation Program(GIMP)

Looks: 8.0

With switchable themes, you can most likely make it look just about any way possible.
I personaly use the regular default theme, as its the fastest on my computer.

Use: 9.0

Its good, but its no Photoshop. It can perform guite a bit, but I hevnt seen much on par with Photoshop.

Accessibility: 7.0

Its okay, confusing as hell, but okay. You can grouped groups, so sometimes its hard to find what your looking for. Though I give it a 7.0 for easyness of adding fonts/themes/brushes/programs. Its very easy to do so.

Over All: 25/30

Like I stated, its no Photoshop, its a descent usable program that just works enough to be kept. There are saving points, and they are the easablity of installing new programs and the such.

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