Thursday, November 6, 2008

Gay Marraige

I dont know about the rest of you, but I think it is insane that gay marriage is not yet legal. People try and say that we are a fair and intelligent modern society, but they said the same thing years ago.

Here is something that a friend of mind, who goes by razor Blades in cup cakes, or something like that has said to me in a message on myspace, replying to a bulletin I had made

I know. Really fucking stupid.

All of the arguments against allowing gays to get married are completely fucked up.

Firstly, to say that gays can't have families is a fucking joke. Studies have shown that gay and lesbian couples have better families because they tend to be better informed, they tend to marry older (if they even can), they don't have accidental children, they are closer with their kids, and are less intolerant of differences.

To say that two gay people who love each other more than a heterosexual couple can't get married because one of them was born the wrong gender? They win out over a technicality? The definition of marriage may be between a man and a woman in the Christian church, but Christians never realize that there ARE other people who don't want their moral viewpoints imposed upon.

And science has told us again and again THERE IS NO truly monogamous, heterosexual species.

People say that homosexuality is immoral, but isn't intolerance and bigotry much much worse?

They can't even get married in a legal, non-church sense! What happened to the separation of Church and State? Is it really that bad to just have a homosexual couple sign a bunch of paperwork that lets them be legally married? It doesn't infringe on anyone's rights (except maybe the couple if they wanted to have a traditional church marriage.)

I just can't believe this obvious discrimination is so socially acceptable.

Then again, if you can ban books, make a harmless plant illegal, and search people's homes without a warrant, then I shouldn't be so surprised.

I have been posting at a few forums and blogs, and I have been happy to find that most young people are above these prejudices. But still, not all of them are. the hatred that has buil up from generations of intolerance fuiled by fear and by religion still seeps through to some.

I really had a lot of hope. California had legalized it some time ago, but then they banned it, once again. Florida and Arizone have done the same. Add in about 20 some other states, and over half the nation has put anti gay marraige amendments into their state consitutions.

Here is another quote, this one however is of myself, and a comment I made at hp forums.

I have one final thing to say. Not wanting gays to be able to marry is EXTREMELY selfish. It is, because you being strait are allowed to, and them being allowed to, would not inhibit your right to marry at all. In fact, it would not be harmful to anyone. Not a single person. No one would suffer from gays being allowed to marry, however many people would be happier. The fact that you want to take away the happiness of others because you are a major biggot is beyond me. Even if you are homophobic, there is no reason to be against it.

The argument against gay marraige has a few forms. I will do my best to counter each one in this blog.

Marriage is between a man and a women - There was a time when Marraige did not exist, this didnt stop anyone from creating it. Thus, since it not always was, it is no an absolute thing. As time progresses, so does society. Using this is just an excuse. If something can be created from nothing, there is nothing wrong with changing that something.

Marraige is a religios ceremony- if this was 100% true, I would have no urge to make gay marraige legalized. The fact is, that it is more than a religion ceremony. It is a legal stature. Because it is recognised by the law and gives special civil rights to those who attain it, it should be allowed for gays. Churches and religions have the right to disciminate and segregate, the law does not.

Homosexual couples would not reproduce- Two things, one being that they would not reproduce if they were gay, or just unionized. Another thing is that over population is the single worst problem this world faces. Penalizing for this by taking away one of the greatest rights we have may not be unethical, but it is immoral.

People will want to marry goats of gays can marry- This is obsurd, homosexuality has existed since the dawn of mankind. It was pressent in ancient china, ancient greece, and in many other ancient civilizations. Beastiality has never been, and will never be, a mainstream above ground sexual preference. Its just another argument that is made of straw constructed by men of straw to cover our eyes with straw to further viel us from what is right.

That is all I have for now, I will write more on this perhaps later. Thanks for reading.

1 comment:

FallenKnightAdmin said...

This is definitely one of the best written things you have done so far. Keep it up!